Imperial Monitors

Monitors: Imperial Guard, spies, agents and assassins. For each Rank in the division take 1. You never leave the Monitors.    The  Agents, Ghosts and Cullers are what most people consider as "monitors" and tend to mix the three together into one idea of what Monitors are.   Imperial Guard have a crystal implanted at the third eye location on the forehead. The crystal is an imperial lock that binds them to obedience and loyalty. First to the empire and emperor, then to the house and nobles or merchants that have purchased their commissions.  Beyond this their skills make them nearly essential to any person of status. And their absence a mark of suspicion by the Emperor.        
GuardAgentGhost (spy)Culler
Watch: Implant Drains 2 essence daily. +2 Perception Hidden Dagger: Spend 3 essence - a hit allows additional dagger hit. • Phase: No other action. May pass 1 inch/ round through solid material. Bleed: After a hit the wound bleeds. Roll vs STR or -1 on Vitality rolls (cumulative) until bound, healed or victim dies.
Observe: Implant. 3 essence - observe Umbra 1 scene Push: Subject within 30ft may be pushed. 1 area affected. STR contest roll. 3 Essence •• Defense: 1 scene - unsolid-attacks pass thru for 1/2 damage taken or given Stun: Nonkilling attack - does double Stam damage. 5 essence
Body Block: spend 4 essence to take one hit on an ally on yourself instead. Slice: for 1 scene +2 aim, -2 dmg. 2 essence w blade. ••• Ghost: May phase thru material 1 ft/ rnd or become invisible in-place. See and hear around you. Face: on touch may “borrow” the voice and appearance of a living being for 1 scene. 5 essence.
Insight: Implant. 2 essence to see in the Mists for 1 scene. Assassin: for one scene increase a weapon 1 die class. 3 essence. •••• Ghost Hand method: per use one attack ignores armor protection of defender. Serpent strike: the user’s essence flows unto 4 reach + 1 /lvl then becomes a poisonous snake that strikes at an opponent; roll to hit as a combat action. Snakes does 4d6+ poison 3 virulenece, 3 power, 3 duration.Essence 4. One scene duration.
Timing: 5 essence. For this scene interrupt combat or action to take an action or make an attack immediately Undo: Once daily, 10 essence. Undo one action in the past round. ••••• Untouchable: Immaterial vapor like for for one scene- can only be hurt by fire/ magic effects. Killing blow: The power causes any attack that hit to do double damage. Once per attack for one scene. 5 Essence.
Ghost training is tracked by Rank and cost is 1 essence/ Rank.


There are 17 steps from "recruit" to General Marshall.  Then three Dominar ranks ( Dominars of the Provinces, Dominar Prefects for the regions and the three High Dominars who are the effective "ministers" of the Monitors factions of Agents, Ghosts and Cullers - each directing a faction and reporting to the Lord Monitor of the Lords Council to the Emperor.  The Guards faction  report to the Lord Commander of the Guard, the only Lords Council Member promoted from within their own faction or branch of the government.  THe Lord Commander of the Guard wear the Imperial gem and are loyal first to the Empire and the emperor above all else.


The monitors keep all safe from dangers with the human lands of the Empire.  They all see the job as one of duty and honor, protecting the order of society and all humans from inhuman monsters, The Fae devils, Fellspawn, Oni and demons.  They are eyes and ears, as well as the hands of the Empire and emperor.  Lesser hazards fall to Explorator adventurers, the imperial Legions and the Imperial Magus or greater supernatural threats may be deferred to the The Imperial Order of the Ruby Rod: The Witchhunters.

Public Agenda

Monitors are the guardians of the Empire at the hand of the Emperor.  They monitor nobles and commoners, even the unclean, foreigners and are ever vigilant for threats and dangers to the Empire.  Be it Corruption spread by excessive use or exposure to Arcane Crystal  (see Crystal and Corruption, other sources of corruption and monsterous transformation, necromancers and blood mages or evil creatures like Skinchangers and naga.  Though within the Monitors themselves, the main active factions in the elimination of threats are the Agents and the Cullers. 

  Guardians are magically adept warriors who are faithful, and loyal guards who are unbreakable in keeping confidence and protection of their charges.  They are considered the ultimate in personal guards.

  The Ghosts are Imperial Spies and infiltrators. They and the Cullers are the spy faction, though Cullers are also assassins.  These two factions collect information and deal with special hazards.  

Cover image: by mutterwolf


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