Atero Character in Charyba | World Anvil
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Atero (uh-TERR-oh)

Atero, the Wind God, is one of the six gods off Charyba.  


Legends state that he and the other five gods used their power to craft the world and its people. Once Cerisa had carved the world's oceans and filled them with ocean life, Atero filled the world above them with life giving air. The winds balanced Scrios's fire and Irnak's ice to bring balance to the world.  


Dawn of Time

Atero once made his home on Nirania. It's said that the trickster God would rearrange the fey woodlands every day to bewilder his creations.  

Element War

During the Element War, Atero's followers would lead his soldiers on guerilla attacks the other gods. He would often warp small forces into another battle once both sides were weakened to claim total victory.


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