Church of Gorthag Organization in Charyba | World Anvil
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Church of Gorthag

The Church of Gorthag territory rests between the Gordauga Mountains and the Ribahrn River on Udarich. Gorthag is the most prominent god on Udarich and this area represents the center of his worshippers' power on the continent.    The Earth Father's Cathedral is a massive church that was once home to Gorthag in ancient times. Now, the cathedral serves as an abbey and is home to hundreds of worshippers. They're led by the archbishop Darvus, an earth genasi descended from Goran, the disciple of Gorthag. Darvus is strict, preaching that fighting and battling others is the greatest way to show praise to Gorthag.   Most territories are unlikely to attack the Church of Gorthag territory. They fear both holy retribution from Gorthag as well as Darvus's fighting force, the Earth Faithful. Other regions will often hire Earth Faithful for conquest or defense. In exchange, they will offer resources or fealty to the Church.    


Earth Father's Cathedral
Church of Gorthag


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