Udarich Geographic Location in Charyba | World Anvil
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Udarich (ooh-DARR-ick)

Udarich, a land of tall mountains and thick forests, has seen conflict for all of recorded history. The continent consists of territories ever-changing their shape, size, and name. Most of these territories culture is based on the thrill of conquest and many of the people living on Udarich are fighters or hunters by trade. Never has Udarich stood as a united continent, not even during Element War in ancient times.  

Current Territories

Click on the section headers below for more information.

The Rusha Kingdom

A great kingdom led by the Leonin Lineage, a line of leonin kings and queens who have ruled as long as anyone can remember The current Leonin King, Hespiro, is a powerful fighter and has launched a campaign to unite all of Udarich under Rusha rule, by sword or diplomacy. Historically, the Rusha Kingdom and the Ribahrn Territory have been fierce rivals.

Ribahrn Territory

This territory is led by a council made up of 3 fighters and 3 tacticians. At any time, citizens of Ribahrn can challenge the leaders for their positions. The people of the Ribahrn Territory love the challenge of trying to take on the Rusha Kingdom. The Ruger Mountains make it difficult for the Ribahrn to directly fight the Rusha so they often try to take on Rusha Castle City. The Ribahrn will often attack the edges of other neighboring provinces for resources.  


This territory is a recent combination of two clans that had been harried by Ribahrn Territory. The two tribes make joint decisions and agree to come to the aid of the other in times of danger. The Northern Forest Asbarl are a tribe of aarakocra, humans, and orcs. They’re led by Farnsir, a human female chieftain who is a descendant of Darvus. The Southern Plains Asbarl are mostly made up of harengon and gnome clans.  


Pascatia is a group of clans of varying races. This territory was nearly wiped out about a century ago by the tabaxi of the Catfolk Freehold. The Pascatians rallied and held the tabaxi at a standstill before pushing them back into the forest. They recently crushed a tribe of harengon territory in the past decade, doubling the size of Pascatia, and have slowly been building up their territory.  

Catfolk Freehold

A tribe of tabaxi that split off from Rusha. They conquered most of Pascatia a century ago but found themselves stretched thin. Pascatia cut off the tabaxis’ access to the sea. The Freehold has shrunk in the time since then.   An elderly earth genasi of tabaxi blood, named Urthpaw, is the Freehold Chieftain. He is bedridden most of the time. In the past few decades, the Freehold has had a hard time gaining additional land. It mainly focuses on defending itself from invaders, sometimes allying with the Church of Gorthag.    

Church of Gorthag

  A religious colony in a heavily forested portion of Udarich. This colony preaches that fierce strength comes from devotion to Gorthag. The church used as a base is said to have been the domain of Gorthag in the material world. It’s rare for other territories to attack the Church of Gorthag. Most of them are followers of Gorthag, taught by the archbishop Darvus to learn his teachings and fear his wrath.  

Varda Shiphaven


Morkav Mountain Colony

The province with the highest population of dwarves and goliaths on Udarich. Orcs can also be found here, alongside aarakocra and a small tiefling population. The people of Morkav work to mine resources from the Gordauga Mountains. There’s no central leader, but individual settlements cooperate to defend and mine the mountains.  

Sintar Farm Tribe

Firbolg can be found across Udarich but nowhere moreso than the Sintar Farm Tribal lands.  

Ingvar Wildlands

Populated mostly by vargar and aarakocra. Orcs and tieflings are also present. A territory that had been more peaceful, on the backfoot of conquest for the past few decades. In the past few years, it has made significant progress towards chipping away at the Arctic Gnashers and Morkav Mountain Colony territories. The Ingvar Wildlands is ruled by Baron Feaulup, an aged vargar. He is most concerned with his own wealth and luxury. The people of Ingvar are renowned hunters

Arctic Gnashers

A band of marauders that took control of Udarich’s northern coast several decades ago. They’ve strengthened and become the most savage of Udarich’s provinces. The Arctic Gnashers have bases across their territory. Their main base is called Oleg’s Keep, named for the Arctic Gnasher’s leader. Oleg is a Frost Genasi of goliath ancestry. Oleg blesses his subordinates, allowing them to weather the cold better than others. The Arctic Gnashers enjoy raiding the lands south. Several towns have been massacred. As the Arctic Gnashers take land to the south, Oleg uses his power to expand the northern blizzards.  

Cult of Arazid

Whispers of the Cult of Arazid started appearing about 15 years ago, led by a figure known only as the Fireblood. About a year ago, they wiped out most of the Arctic Gnashers in the north eastern part of Udarich and took control of an ancient cathedral.      

Isle of Far



The following species are likely to be found on Udarich: Less commonly:
  • Leonin - A rare subspecies of tabaxi, generally part of the royal family of Rusha
  • Tiefling
  • Goliaths

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