Ingvar Wildlands Organization in Charyba | World Anvil
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Ingvar Wildlands

The Ingvar Wildlands are a hilly territory located in the northeast of Udarich. The wildlands are populated by renowned hunters of the land and air. For many years, Ingvar was on the backfoot of conquest, suffering constant losses of battle and territory. In the year 3200, this all changed as the Ingvar Wildland hunters began making decisive victories through ambush and other less savory tactics.   The Wildlands are ruled by Baron Feaulup, an aged vargar more focused on his own wealth and luxury than the lives of his people. He leaves most of the day to day ruling business to his advisors. Chief of these is the young Lord Montreaux, a vargar hunter who made his way up the ranks in Ingvar society.  




  • Vargar
  • Aarokocra
  • Orcs
  • Tieflings




Ingvar Wildlands
Geopolitical, Barony


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