Myth of Creation Organization in Charyba | World Anvil
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Myth of Creation

his world was born out of the ashes of the old world, brought to life by the Last Six Stewards. They became imbued with the elements of fire, water, stone, ice, wind, and nature at the death of their world and used those elements to build the world anew. The Last Six Stewards soon came to be known as the Elementals or the True Gods.    
  • Sindara  – Goddess of Nature,
  • Aterro – God of Wind
  • Gorthag  – God of Stone
  • Irnak – Goddess of Ice
  • Cerisa – Goddess of Water
  • Scrios – God of Fire
  All six of the gods sewed the new world together from the ashes of the old, recreating the peoples as they saw fit. The gods originally walked with their mortals and the families closest eventually became the leaders of religions and cults to them. Gifts were bestowed onto the world by the gods, such as the light that Scrios brought to the world. Some of the cults argued that other gods were stronger than others, and the gods began to believe it, too.   A religious war broke out and the gods took the name Element Lords, claiming lands for their own. The gods blessed weapons and used their powers to wage war on each other, using the people as foot soldiers. They reshaped the world to better defend themselves or to launch attacks on each other.   Those studying magic in the world saw how the Element Lords were tearing apart the very world they built. They brought this knowledge to Sindara, who convinced all the other gods but Scrios to stop fighting. Scrios and his cultists would not stand down and were only defeated when the other gods stood against him and cast him from the world. The battle took its toll, even resulting in the death of the goddess Irnak.   After this, the remaining gods disappeared. The people closest to them worshiped their memories and formed religions and cults. Leaders harnessed the magic left behind by the gods in order to become closer to them, becoming elementals bound to the same power. Followers of Scrios were hounded and demonized for their god’s betrayal. They isolated themselves in the volcanic regions where others would not hunt for them. Followers of Irnak, missing their god, either went to The South (where she fell) or embraced the relics she left behind.


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