Sindara Character in Charyba | World Anvil
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Sindara (sin-DAHR-uh)

Sindara, the Goddess of Nature, is one of the six gods of Charyba.  


Legends state that she and the other five gods used their power to craft the world and its people. Sindara's work came last. When the world was shaped, she created the plants and animals to give the world life and color. It was Sindara that breathed life into the peoples of the world, giving them consciousness and free will.  


Dawn of Time

Fitting into her role as Goddess of Nature, Sindara settled herself on Estaria. She planted trees with her followers that would one day form the massive Arcadian Forest.  

Element War

Scars of Sindara's battles still can be seen across the world. The Rusha Kingdom is one such scar. Stories tell that the desolate land is the aftermath of an attack Sindara launched on Gorthag, pulling the life force from the earth and leaving it a rocky, deserted terrain.   Sindara was the first to realize that the Element War was tearing apart the world. She summoned all of the gods to Estaria to convince them to stand down. Only Scrios refused to stand down. The final battle left a scar on Estaria later known as Scrios's Folly. After this, Sindara left the mortal world with the other gods.  

Followers and Domains

Sindara's chief disciple during the Element was a tiefling named Sivelian. Sivelian became the first plant genasi and all those in her bloodline carry the genasi gene.   Given her powers of nature, Sindara is often prayed to when planting and tending the year's crops. Sindara is also a patron of medicines both natural and magical. Druids and clerics that draw their magic from nature do so with her blessing. Sindara is often viewed as a maternal figure. She's often prayed to in times of distress for protection. While both Sindara and Scrios are considered Life gods, Sindara is generally associated with birth and new life.


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