Chenravo Character in Chenravo | World Anvil
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Chenravo, Lady of the Land, goddess of bounty, and progenitor of the Genasi, has not been around long. Despite this, She has grown to be powerful. She acts as a maternal force, created by the will of people in a time of great need. She stands firmly on the side of life, and desires to provide food and protection to all.   Chenravo appears less organic than the other gods and goddesses. Her skin was formed from the soil of the land, meaning She appears differently in the forests and the desert. Her hair is given the form of a cascading waterfall, and Her eyes are pits of flame. She manipulates the air around Her as extra limbs, enabling Her to take on many tasks at once, or wield many weapons. She wears a cloak made of greenery that grows from Her skin, and that is watered by Her hair.   Chenravo is devoted to life, and vehemently opposes the undead. The goddess grieves over each soul that passes from her hands into death. She listens to the cries for help, and while very few she answers directly, those who pay attention may learn from her hints how to start solving their problems on their own. While she does care for all, she brooks no mercy for those who would do it harm. Murderers and wasteful wilderness workers alike may find themselves tied down by vines.   

Chenravo’s Influence

Bounty and providence are abundant around Chenravo. Many farmers, healers, and protectors are found in her ranks. She is the land itself, the four elemental forces, and the progenitor of the Genasi. Seen so positively, she has grown powerful in the last few centuries.   Druids, rangers, monks and barbarian clans all offer alms and prayers to the goddess. They know that she protects them from the monsters in the shadows and the undead that she trapped in the deadlands. Since She was created to combat the Nekrutan crisis, She is utterly merciless with the undead and those who would try to use them for their own benefit.   Outlanders, hermits, fishers, and urchins all seek her help in exchange for their prayers. Many flock to her side, especially when in danger immediate or existential. She can rejuvenate the soil, bring forth springs of water for drinking or healing, and carry pollen on the winds across vast distances for new and continued growth.  

Chenravo’s Goals

She vehemently opposes the undead and necromancy, and her rites ensure that the body cannot be raised once more. Beyond this burning hatred of the undead, she wishes to provide the living with all they need to stave death off. Food for the hungry, healing for the sick, and shelter for the homeless. Perhaps the only truly altruistic god, her goals extend only as far as she is needed by people. Perhaps her helpful nature was due to the means of her creation, perhaps it is to how young she is for a god, or perhaps it is simply to her satisfaction from helping others. Regardless of the source, she is a popular goddess, and her power only grows alongside her helpfulness.   Despite her helpful and pleasant nature, her protective side can bring out her rage. protecting life is her self-given mandate, and she will execute it to her best, god empowered, ability.

Divine Relationships

Chenravo only truly works closely with Balnenet. They have a strong mutual self-respect, and are capable of accomplishing much together. Chenravo, being older is regarded to be the stronger of the two, and the leader in their dealings.   The Six Supporter gods and the Overgods, often view her as a nuisance, a god who was the right answer to a problem once, and who tries to rise above her station. Only Nekrutan takes her seriously, despite how he might try to hide it. While many of them might have taken Chenravo out, she has become too visible, and removing her might make her seem like a credible threat, showing fear or weakness in the attacker. These factors have protected her thus far, but who knows when the other gods will decide they’ve had enough of her meteoric rise, and decide to finish it once and for all?  

Worshipping Chenravo

Chenravo has adopted the month of Chepvo as her moth of worship, which works well as some crops often ripen in this month. Harvests and plantings have become celebrations, as well as parties, where the bounties of the land are shared with others. The more generous the party, the better one’s crops are likely to do the next season. Household shrines often include bowls that hold each of her elements: fire, air, water, and earth.   Chenravo wants her followers to be hale and happy, so any celebration that brings these things into their lives is supported by her and her church. However, giving into too much excess or taking advantage of others at these celebrations is likely to draw her ire. Because of this, rural areas have become much more welcoming and helpful, so as to not anger one of the sources of abundance.  

Aspects of Chenravo

The gods often represent more than one facet. The gods’ facets are defined by their worshippers, so that the gods suit the needs of the people. No aspect is ever gone, however, and any facet that was created in the past still lurks somewhere in the god’s personality, waiting for when it is needed again, or perhaps plotting a situation that might make it relevant once more.   As a new god, the expectation would be that Chenravo would have few aspects. While it is true that she has few strong aspects, due to the nature of her creation, she has countless minor aspects. Here are listed the aspects that affect her behavior on a day-to-day basis.

Aspect of the Genasi

The aspect created by the race she spawned in her first moments of consciousness, This aspect is not her oldest, but is one of her stronger ones especially as the race has grown. As much love as Chenravo has for the mortal races, the Genasi have a special place in her heart, and have the ability to draw out her maternal side better than any others.

Aspect of Life

This is the oldest, strongest aspect that Chenravo has to boast. The Life is responsible for her hate of undead, and desire to protect innocence. She wants each mortal to live a long and happy life, and even though she knows that this is a goal she will never be able to achieve, she is nevertheless willing to strive to bring that world to reality bit by bit.

Aspect of Bounty

The Bounty has become the go to aspect for farmers, some fishers, and others who wish for nature’s bounty. She is responsible for richer soil, healthier crops, and stronger nets. She is uncomplicated, and as aspects come, content and comfortable.

Aspect of the Greater Good

This aspect is the driving force in Chenravo’s altruism. Her ethics are often influenced by the prevalent ideas of mortals. She works to help people resolve conflicts peacefully in ways that are unlikely to spark future conflict. She shares The Life’s desire for the world, but is more realistic on their odds of success.
Chenravo's Champions Alignment: Almost Always Good, sometimes Neutral
Suggested Classes: Barbarian, Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Ranger
Suggested Cleric Domains: Grave, Life, Light, Nature, Peace
Suggested Backgrounds: Entertainer, Folk Hero, Noble, Outlander
  Altruists are the ones who feel the most in common with the goddess. People who are selfless, and who give, even when they have nothing left. They feel camaraderie with the goddess, who is also generous.

Chenravo's Favor

Those who look out for others often heed this goddesses call. How did you initially attract the god’s attention? The Chenravo’s Favor table offers a few suggestions.
1 You were born with a birthmark of one of Chenravo’s elements
2 You worked to master one or all of the elements
3 You put yourself between another person and sure death
4 You live without material wealth
5 Even after suffering one or more tragedies, you still seek the good in others
6 You have no idea why Chenravo showed interest in you, and you might sometimes wish She hadn’t

Devotion to Chenravo

The generous and the kind are those who frequently find themselves aligning with Chenravo. As a follower of Chenravo, consider rolling on the Chenravo’s Ideals table as alternatives to those suggested for your background.
  Chenravo's Ideals  
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what She stands for. (Any)
2 Generosity. Giving away what I have no need of does more good than holding onto it. (Good)
3 Wellness. Illnesses and harm are things that I do away with as I can. (Good)
4 Bounty. Helping others improves the state of the world. (Good)
5 Order. The natural world has an order that must be protected (Lawful)
6 Growth. The natural world does as it wants. (Chaotic)

Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Chenravo when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Helping with planting or harvest.
  • Healing others who are in need.
  • Giving away what you do not need.
  • Killing undead.
Your piety score to Chenravo decreases if you diminish Chenravo's influence in the world, contradict his ideals, or make him look weak and cowardly through acts such as these:
  • Helping undead.
  • Taking advantage of others.
  • Harming the weak or innocent.

Chenravo’s Devotee

Piety 3+ Chenravo Trait
You can cast Goodberry with this trait a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Chenravo’s Votary

Piety 10+ Chenravo Trait
You can cast Warding Bond with this trait, requiring no material components. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
  In addition, you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed.

Chenravo’s Disciple

Piety 25+ Chenravo Trait
You can deal an extra 1d8 radiant damage any time you attack an undead.
  You can use this trait a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Champion of Bounty

Piety 50+ Chenravo Trait
You can increase your Strength or Charisma score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.

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