Dwarf Species in Chenravo | World Anvil
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The Dwarves were created by Athneron in 12 C.T., along with all of the other races. They were based on Halfar, the most devoted of Athneron's followers. While Halfar was technically their leader while still a mortal, he spent a lot of time working with them to develop the clan system that they use to this day. When he ascended, the Dwarves were well prepared to assume leadership of themselves. 


The Dwarves are primarily located in the Absayris Desert, located on the southern side of the continent. They are also in the Hammershard Mountains, though their hold on those lands are not as secure. A dwarf also leads the nation of Tealimtor in the Lindral Forest, and as such, has a number of programs that favor dwarven citizens.


StereotypeWhy this Stereotype Exists
All Dwarves are orphans. Dwarven society separates children from their parents at birth to ensure that children become their best selves while not being influenced by what their parents were successful at. Because of this, no dwarf knows who their parents are, which many mistakenly construe to mean that they are an orphan.
Dwarves are warmongers. Of the few wars that have occured in Chenravo, the dwarves have started many of them, and participated in far more. Halfar's influence as the God of War certainly has an effect here, as his people are constantly looking for opportunities to prove themselves. 
Dwarven goods are enchanted. Even as Halfar is the God of War, He is also the God of Craft. As such, many Dwarves have learned to make items that have much better durability and quality. This difference in effectiveness is often incorrectly assumed to be magical in nature. 
Dwarves are rich. While the Dwarves have been blessed with mineral wealth by Halfar, not all Dwarves benefit from it. So while Clans Minenarc and Hrakinford are very wealthy, not all dwarves, and not even all the dwarves in those clans, enjoy that wealth.
All Dwarves are capable combatants. Many of the Dwarves that leave the Absayris Desert have to be accepted into Clan Sekkinfur, who regulates adventurers. They often place high importance on combat ability, be it magical, mundane, or both. Because of this, many of the dwarves that leave Absayris are able to take care of themselves.


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