Fairy Species in Chenravo | World Anvil
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Fairies, like most of the Fae, were originally borne of natural energies that seemed to come from the deep untouched forests, glens, and marshes of the world. Some say that Athneron created the energy that the fae sprung from, while others contend that it was a natural consequence of nature. Regardless, now faries are born of each other, or rarely, the dreams of children.   


Before the shattering of the realms, Fairies could be found in forests, streams, and low hills. They are still there, of course, but they often spend far more time in their own realm now: Calcemax. There, they have organized into courts   


StereotypeWhy this Stereotype Exists
Fairies are obnoxious pranksters. While some absolutely are, and often go to far because they have a hard time understanding the concept of death, many more are mild mannered. Unfortunately, many of these are content to stay in Calcemax.
Fairies can't swim. While they can swim, fairies can't fly if their wings are wet, not unlike butterflies. Many of them abhor getting wet on account of this. 
Fairies steal children. There have been many who accused the fairies of stealing their babies, but in most of these scenarios, they made a deal with the fair folk, with their baby as the cost. They then blame the fair folk instead of taking responsibility for their actions. 


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