Father of War Myth in Chenravo | World Anvil
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Father of War

Halfar was pleased for a time, inspiring his followers and showing them how they could improve the world around them. But as time went on, it became more and more apparent to him that those outside his worshippers had little to no appreciation for the works of art. This led him to feel a rage that he had not felt since before his ascent to godhood. He wanted to ensure that his people had some recognition in the world at large.   At this time, the world was peaceful. There weren't enough people to cause a strain on resources, meaning that there were no struggles yet, no wars or discontentment. Halfar staked the first war effort on the pride and need for recognition of the dwarven people.    And so, the God planned. First, he had to determine who they would fight. The seven races were either spread out, or had no nation to call their own, living instead as nomads. The only true options were the Elves to the far north, the Tritons in the black depths of the ocean, the Goblins, also to the north, or the now forgotten Seventh Race. It was the last option that Halfar chose to provoke, hoping to build the dwarves' reputation through war in addition to the arts.   Then he spent a few years planting ideas for war in the minds of dwarves: formations, siege engines, and logistics all went into the minds of Dwarves. Soon they were actualizing these ideas, and readying themselves for war. Their desires echoes that of their god: they wanted recognition and to spread appreciation of their culture.   It took a few years, but the dwarves were finally ready for battle, and went in without fear. They made considerable progress against the lost race, before they were able to sort out a defense that held off the dwarves well. They then entered a stalemate for some time, making half-hearted attempts at one another.   The war was finally called off as it was growing too expensive for both sides. It left a damaged relationship between the two races, but they worked hard to repair it, and to put safeguards in to prevent the two races from going against each other once more.   Despite the lackluster ending to the first war on Chenravo, its legacy remains, and as more and more races and people come to be, resources are becoming scarcer and scarcer, which could lead to a series of wars, more destructive and more decisive than the first war of Chenravian history.


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