Triton Species in Chenravo | World Anvil
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The Tritions were created in Shaold's image by Athneron in 12 C.T. along with the other Elder Races. Though they were made to live on the land, and the Tritons to dominate the sea.   


While the other races took to the land, the Tritons claimed the oceans uncontested. They spread out across the vast seafloor, building cities and villages far and wide. The greatest of their cities is The Sunken City of Sinara. Yet even as they expanded, their numbers were kept in check by the vast and many dangers of the oceans. While they control the greatest amount of area of any race, their numbers are fewer than the Biethtìre.   


StereotypeWhy this Stereotype Exists
Tritons cannot breathe air. Due to the isolation of the Tritons, they have stayed below the seas almost exclusively for generations. This behavior has given them a reputation for being unable to survive above the waves.
Tritons live lives of luxury. This comes from the knowledge that the Tritons have a large amount of area, and therefore resources, per capita. Few realize that with the lower population, they don't have the labor to leverage all of the resources they have. 
Tritons have giant sea-beasts in their military. While Shaold does create massive sea creatures, more often tahn not, they are to test her people and keep them guarded against threats. While some of the smallor ones can be trained and convinced to work with the Tritons, many more are happy to simply wreak havok until stopped. 
Tritons have secret bases in rivers and lakes across Chenravo. This comes about largely due to the connection between the Tritons and water. No Triton bases have been found and verified in fresh water. 
Tritons have a weapon of Norentha's own design. Rumors that persist about this are largely related to a holy relic given by Norentha to Shaold. The item in question is known as the Voidwater. It is important to recognize that the Voidwater is not a weapon, and is infact, a cultural artifact. 


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