Terra 22 Geographic Location in CHG/Central Human Gov't. "Where we at and how we at here?" | World Anvil
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Terra 22

Nuclear earthquakes sound like a terrible idea but Planet Loki decided to be an asshole this year by providing us with a planet with a core and mantle with radioactive material inside that is often slammed together by magma currents to make nuclear explosions. When these happen near the surface they give that necessary bit of extra oomph for lots of earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions to occur. Yikes.


Lots of mountains and most of its beaches are dummy thicc due to waves going far further in during tsunamis. Lots of volcanoes, which are usually active, and a healthy dose of instances of mountains being split in half. The planet is, on average, 4 degrees centigrade/kelvin (some thing but with different 0 points... also I'm sorry Americans its just that this is sci-fi and metric is better for science because easy conversions and simpler equations I'm not gonna go through the effort of working out whether or not these planets are possible ("when you have stuff going on in the background of the stuff that's meant to be the background of your books you have a worldbuilding problem" - someone, possibly me to myself before I decided to work out the roche limit of Loki mere days before deciding its gravity would vary from place to place and having to work out a range of potential roche limits at different locations and how ridiculous this would make astronomy relating to nearby celestial objects)) colder than Earth due to that thing I forgot the name of but it's the real reason that meteor was able to kill the dinosaurs.

Fauna & Flora

Animals have all got anti-death-by-earthquake instincts and designs, particularly favouring creatures that can get uphill very quickly. Plants have a heavy focus on strong roots and many have developed means of germinating uphill with effectiveness such as deliberately dropping their winged seeds on upwards winds.

Natural Resources

Ehh, it's got a lot of Silver (no, just silver) in that mantle as well as uranium and plutonium so yeah this planet's insides are basically industrial edibles.
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