Lincoln Park - Old Town

Neighborhood in Chicago's North Side District

At the north side of Chicago, in Lincoln Park, you can find a diverse crowd consisting of college students, newly graduated lawyers, robust brokers, and young families mingling with one another. The area is just a brief stroll away from the stunning parks and the renowned Lincoln Park Zoo. If you head a bit south, you'll reach Old Town, where the affluent and the underprivileged intersect. This area is also where two of Chicago's most famous theaters, Steppenwolf and Second City, are located.
The neighborhood's layout is characterized by winding streets and varied elevations, providing plenty of opportunities for vampires to stalk their prey. The park's ponds and greenery offer hiding places for predators, while the busy Lincoln Avenue and sports bars provide a convenient hunting ground for those who prefer to blend in with the crowd.
The neighborhood has a strong sense of community and history, with many long-time residents who are fiercely protective of their home. The presence of DePaul University and cultural institutions like the Lincoln Park Zoo make it an attractive location for younger vampires looking to blend in with mortals. However, the affluent nature of the area means that there is plenty of competition for resources and status among vampires.
While the neighborhood has a number of trendy restaurants and shopping boutiques, it lacks the edgy counterculture scene that might attract more daring vampires. The area's well-maintained public spaces and high property values also make it a difficult place for Kindred to operate without arousing suspicion. Overall, Lincoln Park is a relatively safe and stable neighborhood for vampires who are content to live a more low-key existence.
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