CbN001: New Beginnings

General Summary

Night of January 1st 2017 - Bearcreek, Chicago   It’s a cold, cold night. The air is crisp and the pavement is frozen. The city of Chicago inhales dreams and determination and exhales out smoke, violence and corruption. On the wrong part of this city, the carcass of an old abandoned church creaks and moans, as if in waiting. Something has disturbed its bones.   Five figures gather in front of the boarded up building, looking through graffiti decorated planks and broken windows deep into the darkness that are the guts of St.Boniface Church.   The group is filled with determination, as they've been told two things: One, that the Sabbat has been sighted here. And two, and more importantly, that if they clean it up, they might get to keep it for themselves.   Chicago inhales their determination, and exhales out violence.  

Church of St.Boniface 

  After brief interactions, the group heads inside the Church, which is in complete disarray. They engage in combat and kill a few aggressive and hungry newly turned vampires.   In the middle of the church they see a wide and deep hole filled up with dead bodies. Inside the hole they discover one vampire survivor that seems to be in control and not aggressive at all compared to the other kindred they fought.   Her name is Liliana and she doesn’t seem to know what happened or how she got there. She seems confused but very calm for a newly turned kindred.   They’re also able to figure out that this pit was dug weeks ago and the bodies in there are also weeks old. They also find evidence there was a B&E a few days ago and that the new vampires were turned and thrown in the pit around that same time.   One of the walls is covered by a huge graffiti depicting Peter Pan. Maude discovers that it seems to be related to The Seven Fires (“What is not as important as When? The answer to that is Soon”)   After their initial investigations, Chad calls “the boys” to clean up. They tell him that they’ll need someone at the Church the next night, which Chad assures them is easy enough. Clementine agrees to stay at the church until the next night.   They call Marcel, who’s someone all of them have met before and helped introduce them all. Marcel tells them to keep Liliana with them, she’s to join their group. He then says that there’ll be a party at the Blue Velvet in three days and they have to make sure to be present, as they’ll get a chance to be introduced as a Coterie.  

Curtains down

The group splits to go feed and meet back at Thriller Jazz Club as per Chad’s suggestion. Once there, they talk about the night's events and start to figure out their next steps before the party.   Chad is very adamant in what clothes they wear to the party. He’ll make sure to find out the dress code for it and assures all of them that he’ll take care of their outfits.   They split to go sleep the day and agree to meet the next day at the Church.  


Our new coterie:
  • Chad Smith played a part during violent times where there was a chance to grab power in the city of Chicago. He was exiled from the city and only recently came back.
  • Clementine Guerrero was embraced in terrible circumstances and spent most of her "youth" in hiding. She has only recently been allowed to make a play for acceptance in The Camarilla.
  • Maude Lansbury was created while searching for their friend. Many of their first years of unlife are gone. They’ve recently been pushed by their Sire, Jason "Son" Newberry , to go be part of a new Coterie.
  • Mary Lovelace was embraced after she found secrets. Her Sire is a mysterious figure that asked her to establish the cobweb and join this group.
  • Liliana Fernholdz was recently turned and placed in an impossible situation. She doesn't know much, but she has a secret she needs to keep.
  • Kim is the ghoul of Eddie Wu , asked to go into town and help this new Coterie.

Rewards Granted

  • Obtained Domain in Church of St.Boniface [Maybe]
  • Obtained a introduction with the Prince Kevin Jackson  [Cost them a Minor Boon]
  • Missions/Quests Completed

    • Successfully cleared the Church of St.Boniface , as offered by Marcel this means the area around it is now the Coterie's domain.

    Character(s) interacted with

  • Marcel , asked them for a favor to introduce the coterie to the Prince.
  • Said hi to Leonardo "Lenny" Gala at Thriller Jazz Club 
  • Jason "Son" Newberry appeared in the vignettes, as Maude's Sire.
  • @X


    Report Date
    25 Jul 2022