Jason "Son" Newberry

Malkavian Primogen

Son has the appearance of an 18-year-old, good-looking male, with swept-back blonde hair, clear blue eyes, and tidy, sharp clothing buttoned up to the neck. He is generally well dressed when in public and is very polite to everyone.   You guessed (mistakenly) that he has dominate 5 auspex 2 obfuscate 3

Physical Description

Special abilities


Son’s favorite Mask is as Dr. Loomis, so named for the character from the Halloween movies. As Dr. Donald Loomis, Son visits hospitals and “treats” patients with mental disorders, finding excuses to isolate them, torment them, and feed from them (Mask 1).[/quote]  


    Pyromaniac: Some vampires whisper about how Son is looking to burn down the city, reigniting the inferno started over a century before. They think he has a real psychotic streak.
    The Mask is Working: A few deluded vampires whisper about how upright Son is, and how he would have made a better Prince than this upstart Kevin Jackson.
    A Son in Mourning: It’s such a shame Maureen disappeared so suddenly, but even more shameful is the fact that Son doesn’t appear to be affected by it at all.
“There are such nasty things out there about me, and all of them are true to a point. We should go somewhere quiet and talk about it.”
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Aligned Organization
Character Prototype


Humanity: 2   Generation: 7th (Diablerie)   Blood Potency: 5 (Diablerized)   Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Composure 3
Intelligence 3, Wits 4, Resolve 3   Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 6   Skills: Melee 1, Stealth 4; Etiquette 4, Insight (Fears) 3, Intimidation 3, Performance (Acting) 5, Persuasion 2, Subterfuge (Sincerity) 4; Awareness 2, Investigation 2, Medicine (Psychological Treatment) 3, Politics 2   Disciplines: Auspex 3, Dominate 5, Obfuscate 4, Presence 4, Oblivion 2   Blood Potency: Blood Surge 4 dice, heal 3 superficial, add 2 dice to all disciplines, reroll rouse for Level 3 and below,   Auspex Heightened Senses, Danger Sense, Share The Senses.   Dementation Manipulation + Dominate (11) vs Composure + Intelligence to target superficial willpower. On impairment, forces a chosen Compulsion on the target. Son can also replace memories with Manipulation + Dominate (11) vs s Intelligence + Resolve. All of Son's dominate powers make the targets believe it was of their own volition. He may also do all his powers of domination against groups, targeting the strongest among the crowd.   Obfuscate Unseen passage, Mask of Thousand Faces. Conceal.   Presence Awe, Lingering Kiss, Entrancement(11 vs Comp+Wits to gain +4 to all social rolls), Throw Voice (voice can come from anywhere within sight), Irresistible Voice (can use dominate with voice only).   Oblivion Only expresses itself as being a black hole in the cobweb


Prevent Lasombra entry into the Chicago Camarilla


Make sure they know you’re better than them


Harry Magnotta — sadistic nurse at Lakeshore Hospital

This article has no secrets.