Chad Smith

Chad Smith (a.k.a. The Suit)

10 month Project started on March 15th. For influence III in our domain. I have 1 of my resources and 1 of the gang and 1 contact of clem's

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

heightened senses- add auspex to all perception rolls. rapid reflexes- minor action for free, no defense penalty without cover. fleetness- add celerity to none combat dex checks and to defending dex+athletics. awe-add presence to your charisma/preformance/persuasian rolls

Body Features

45 year old keanu reeves

Facial Features

45 year old keanu reeves

Identifying Characteristics

chad is a chaddyyyy

Apparel & Accessories

Long suit coats are life.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Enlisting at 18. caught the last half decade of Vietnam. worked his way up the ranks ending his career with dessert storm in 91. then moved on to become a mercenary and do really good business in the gun trade in the 90's. Eddie started trading guns on the side with chad some time in here. Chad was made an offer to come work in Chicago that he couldn't refuse. has been an integral part of the Capone gang and there gun/black market dealings since.

Gender Identity


Morality & Philosophy

Herd: 3 THriller club has people i have cultivated over the years to feed on.   Influence: 3 work in progress around our domain starter march 15th done dec 15th 2017. One of Clems contacts tied up and one of my resources are tied up from the gang.   Resources: 4   Herd: 3 my people at thriller night club   influence: 3 streetwise gangs black market guns chicago   Contact: 2 Local people mover (leonardo)   Contact: 2 transport guy (not sure name)   Contact: 2 International contact guy(no idea name)   Mawla: 2 Eddie Wu   Stalkers: 1 people that follow me at my club, because of my status.   Enemy: 1 people i took over there territory in my Gang operations   Enemy: 1 people that don't like my status in the club scene

Personality Characteristics


Ambition: to be "the person" you go to to get what you want.   Desire: provide what i can to the coterie


Contacts & Relations

The Irish - we owe a minor boon. naomi - owe a minor boon   fucking allen (one of the primogen, senestra to prince jackson) knows about my touchstone Appa who owns a store here in chicago.

Chad smith, killed in the early 2000's, is a known black body. The Suit sits as a lieutenant in the Capone Gang. Mainly runs black market Guns out of his dance club, Thriller.

View Character Profile
Honorary & Occupational Titles
-has influence over a safe haven (2point) for the Capone gang that is a Tailor shop named The Outfit beside thriller night club. A ghoul named Michael has been making suits for the mafia for 100 years, he appears to be 40.   -has influence a club called Thriller, he has a herd of mortals that he can call on to feed. The club is also a front for the underground black market where Chad makes his money and fulfills his main duties to the Capone gang as there go to guy to get stuff.
65 (True Age) 50 (Death)
Date of Birth
September 2nd, 1952
Current Residence
The Outfit
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
very pale

session 8
march 13th

gooey and me are having fun rest of everyone is at the church, talkiing about nothing much. no worries. mary got some wierd shit going on in the back yard with some networks and holy water and a tie? wierd.   march 13th chads got trouble to deal with with gooey. have to figure out how to make him not talk about this or associate it with us.   idea is going to be use this as an excuse to set someone in power. make gooey disapear.

session 7
march 12th 2017

big ass book. in the crypt safe house   Gooey, real name cammila gooey diaz. part of three places. Government connections and friends second connection enforcer for the mexican gang in the city, not up there just an asset they use him as an enforcer. they dont use him alot. the cartel sina loha. third one hes part of the princes second hand man like a lacky.   so we went and seduced him to get a tie for mary cause who knows and to get him to stop fucking us over probably cause hes a lacky of the princes right hand man.

session 5
march 17th 2017

eddie wu i owe a favor because of my chandeleer   alot of confusion about how the people are dieing. buisness owners are talking about people tagging the same thing as the fantasy tags.   a block of graffiti,   tin can bill. going into the sewer, liliana opened the sewer.  

Session 4
jan 17th 2017

chapter 2 trial by fire   fucking cold on lake michigan.   bronwen is scared shitless of jason the malcavian. marys trying to work with chad. its nice.   7 labors, trickery dont from blue velvet get your shit on a swivil in your domain   issues 1 someones coming in the day, painting "blood suckers" on the side of the day. 2 people are becoming suck. 3 the 9 hells is cock blocking our liquor license

Session 3
jan 4th 2017

jason is announcing new sherriff (damian), young vampire. moustashio is angry at the new sherriff but just disappointed in the prince. primogen council. prince jackson, black dress annebelle chick thats floating the rules. eddies sire is the toredar. toga Critise brujah guy very traditonal punk girl, marcel, women you dont reconise   damian is a brujah. accept the shadow head there advice and accept there judgment start our seven labors to become and ancilla, under the shadow swear to uphold each other and traditions sin of one is the sin of all loyalty to the camerilla tratitions tower and coterie come to the defense of the camerilla   marcel tells us about a place we can visit him, chinese restaurant in riverdale. ask for marcel.   yelling to me about some whore about a party.

Session 2
jan 2 2017

jan 4th big parrrrrrrrrty at blue velvet. ----need to find out if blue is a no go? maybe a dark blue tint??----- what we doing with the church. bear creek is where our church is master of elisium is called bronwyn, i know there assistant laura. i have there number (secret ways i got it, so we are calling into the assistant who will give me the info but its not koser at all). blue velvet is a club, high end club. white and gold theme. no black. bronwyn is wearing black. time for a party! marcel is not dressed correctly, not a good sign. damn ugly people. bronwyn is a chick shes in black. another chick in black with lnes of white dress, "stunning 2 dice beautiful" Jason is a total twink, beside bronwyn abram deusal is talking to marcel. hes the termerie rep in the city.   prince jackson, Kevin is going to talk to us (hes talking to a punk none binary, dressed in white. nosferato with dirty white sweat. ugly tusks)

Session 1
jan 1st 2017

church of b-man octopus. (bunifious) we at a building, looks ominious, and broken down. 1 sabat sighting! ah! evil! 2. kill them all and we own it! going in the front door guns blazing. killed a vampire. (back in time2000 got turned and pulled into the Gang and had 10 years of tons of fun running guns and killing shit, 2008 kevin jackson(the prince) came in, eddie wu(head of the capone gang) was removed from the gang)   Clems up now. chatting to a vampire. turned in 2010. like to negociate and help people? thats useful.... maude was turned in 2010. really likes artwork on walls. thats kinda fun? but crazy.... so well theres that. cant win a staring context. mary was turned 2017, invisible? how you deal with that? glad its on my side. hate the invisible ones. got to find me for some sort of weird shit? somthing to do with a computer? sounds cool. kim walks in, not turned yet. ghoul of the coterie. cleaner for hire. money money money! lilliana was turned 2017, beats people up? stay an arms length away at all times.....   so we got a big pile of bodys, not alot of vampires(5 vampires, 6 with lilliana). alot of human bodies. this place was secure. marcel says there a party in 4 days. at the blue velvet. called in the boys to come fix up the place. Kim is going to clean up the bodies, clementine and mary going to do security.   marcel minor boon owed   leonardo is the ghoul that runs the place. i need to say high and make sure hes good and gets what he needs.