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Chad Smith
The Suit

Chad smith, killed in the early 2000's, is a known black body. The Suit sits as a lieutenant in the Capone Gang. Mainly runs black market Guns out of his dance club, Thriller.

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Other characters
march 13th

session 8

by Chad Smith

gooey and me are having fun
rest of everyone is at the church, talkiing about nothing much. no worries.
mary got some wierd shit going on in the back yard with some networks and holy water and a tie? wierd.
march 13th
chads got trouble to deal with with gooey. have to figure out how to make him not talk about this or associate it with us.
idea is going to be use this as an excuse to set someone in power. make gooey disapear.

Chad's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Session 1
    jan 1st 2017
  2. Session 2
    jan 2 2017
  3. Session 3
    jan 4th 2017
  4. Session 4
    jan 17th 2017
  5. session 5
    march 17th 2017
  6. session 7
    march 12th 2017
  7. session 8
    march 13th

The major events and journals in Chad's history, from the beginning to today.

session 8


03:00 am - 15.11.2022

session 7


02:19 am - 08.11.2022

session 5

eddie wu i owe a favor because of my chandeleer alot of confusion about how the people are dieing. buisness owners are talking about people tagging the same thing as the fantasy tags. a block of graffiti, ...

02:59 am - 25.10.2022

Session 4

chapter 2 trial by fire fucking cold on lake michigan. bronwen is scared shitless of jason the malcavian. marys trying to work with chad. its nice. 7 labors, trickery dont from blue velvet get your shit on a swivil in your domain issues ...

04:21 am - 18.10.2022

Session 3

jason is announcing new sherriff (damian), young vampire. moustashio is angry at the new sherriff but just disappointed in the prince. primogen council. prince jackson, black dress annebelle chick thats floating the rules. eddies sire is the toredar....

04:47 am - 04.10.2022

Session 2

jan 4th big parrrrrrrrrty at blue velvet. ...

01:47 am - 27.09.2022

Session 1

church of b-man octopus. (bunifious) we at a building, looks ominious, and broken down. 1 sabat sighting! ah! evil! 2. kill them all and we own it! going in the front door guns blazing. killed a vampire. (back in time2000 got turned and pulled into th...

03:58 am - 13.09.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Chad.

Played by

Other Characters by KrisMckay