The Lost Boys

Google drive link  


  • Avoid collateral damage
  • Coterie before anything
  • Guilty should suffer

Members and Agendas


Coteries Advantages and Flaws


Status [ • ]

Known: A properly introduced, welcomed neonate, seen as an up-and-comer.    


Size [ • ]

Size of the domain. Each dot reduces feeding difficulty by 1. One city Block. (Church building and things around it).
(Two dots would be four blocks, Three eight blocks on each side of main street, Four a neighborhood, Five would be three neighborhoods)  

Clout [ ]

How well integrated we are (clout). Each dot adds one die to interact with native mortals (doesn't add to hunting rolls).  

Security [ • ]

How secure the domain is against intrusion or disruption: vampires, predators, SI, etc...  Each dot of Portillon subtracts one die from a foe’s pool when they attempt to, for example, enter, investigate, or surveil the domain without the coterie’s knowledge.      

Haven [ • ] (Crypt underneath the Confessional)

Separate from Domain, this is one specific building secured for vampire survival. (Crypt underneath the Confessional). This number can go up to three. Two would be a sewer branch (space of a family home three would be a subway station.    

Security System [ • ]

Your haven has a better-than-average security system. For each dot of this Merit, add one die to your dice pool to resist (or alert you to) unauthorized entry into your haven.  

Secret Tunnel [ • ]


Resources [ • ]

Roughly once per session you can throw an okay-ish amount of money at something that an average working person would find annoyingly expensive. Like you can pay a lazy security guard fifty bucks to look the other way, but that's all the cash you've got on you.    



Boons you owe

  • Marcel Minor Boon [ • • ] - for introducing the Coterie to the Prince
  • Naomi Trivial Boon [•] - for letting us use racks to feed

Boons owed to you

  • Senechal Minor Boon [ • • ] - for keeping the masquerade by exploding warehouse
  • Wauneka Trivial Boon [•] - for ??? sewers
Notable Members