Night Hunters Profession in Child of the Copper Mountain | World Anvil
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Night Hunters

Arcanists, those who posses the ability to use The Arcane, can be trained by the Order of the New Dawn to become Night Hunters. These gifted, skilled men and women fight against all types of dark forces that possess the world. Far and wide, Night Hunters are revered and respected. Some even see them as them as demi-deities, as they posses magical abilities that normal people do not.   They are trained in using The Magic System, as well as in various forms of combat and academic pursuits.  

Becoming a Night Hunter

Training of a night hunter takes place at Auroren, located in Vanbury. Only arcanists are admitted to this program. Because there are so few magic users, Night Hunters are often on the lookout for new potential candidates.  


Night Hunters traditionally wear all black uniforms.      
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A Night Hunter, traditionally clad in all black.


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