Auroren Building / Landmark in Child of the Copper Mountain | World Anvil
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Auroren is the headquarters of the Order of the New Dawn, located inside of Vanbury. The complex consists of various interconnected buildings, some of which are public and others inaccessible for regular citizens. The most prominent building is the Cathedral, located in the center of Auroren. The complex contains residency for the clergy, Order officials and other employees. The Night Hunters live and train here as well.    


Auroren is complex of buildings, surrounded by tall stone walls with 10 watchtowers. The main entrace in the south leads to the public square. The square connects to the public facilities, such as the Cathedral in the center of the complex, the library on the east side and the offices on the west side. The square is walled off in the north, with a few gates leading to the private facilities. These contain the facilities for the Night Hunters on the east, and the facilities for the clergy and other officials in the west.  



Great Library


Order offices


Residences of Clery and Officials


Residences of Night Hunters


Residences of other Workers


Night Hunter Training Facilities





Purpose / Function

It is the headquarters of the Order of the New Dawn. Its cathedral is a place of worship. The library is a (partially) public source of information and a place to study. It offers residency to the clergy and other Order affiliates. It also houses the lodging and training facilities for the Night Hunters.
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Map of Auroren


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