The Peregrine Organization in Child of the Copper Mountain | World Anvil
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The Peregrine

The peregrine is an intercontinental news broadcasting company, with their main office based in Vanbury. They announce the news daily and report on most types of news, especially on economical, cultural and political events. There are minor offices of the Peregrine in nearly every major city. The Peregrine is able to send news across the continent in a couple of days. Their name is therefore a reference to the Peregrine Falcon, whose aerial speed is unmatched.


The organization consists of over a hundred workers, spread out across the continent. Each office hold a few workers, each with a different task There are journalists who actively search for news. Writers write and copy the news on paper. Distributers deliver these papers to the other Peregrine offices and to the upper class. Announcers announce the news every day at a specific time on the main squares.  

Revenue model

The peregrine survives by selling their papers to the upper class and from donations. Though the donations from the lower class are insignificant, upper class donations make up the bulk of the Peregrine's income. In return, the Peregrine reports favorably on the donators and their interests.  


The Peregrine is a Vanbury based news source, with a strong bias towards pro-Alliance opinions. They look favorably upon the Order of the New Dawn and down upon the Rebels. Large donations often steer the Peregrine's bias as well.  

Important editions

The Peregrine reports on all news, but the following are some of the most noticable editions:  

Noticeable members

A journalist from the Peregrine.
A writer copying the news.
A town crier, announcing the daily news.


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