Attack on the Order Military Conflict in Child of the Copper Mountain | World Anvil
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Attack on the Order

In the year 1121, the Rebels organised a terrorist attack against The Order of the New Dawn in which they blew up a part of Auroren, leading to several casualties.    

The plan

The goal of the attack, designed by Oliver Morgan, was twofold: to free the rebel captives from their cells in Auroren and to eliminate the high ranking officers of the Order. By blowing up the officer's quarters, the rebels would have a small window of time to free the captives. It was supposed to be a driveby; a group of rebel Wyvern riders was tasked with dropping barrels of explosive chemicals onto the officer's quarters and leaving immediately. Afterward, once most night hunters had gathered towards the flaming building, the rebel riders would fly towards the prison cells. Here, Olliver Morgan would be waiting to unlock the doors. Once the prisoners had been freed, the wyvern riders would bring them to safety.


Upon arrival, the rebels were quickly detected by two-night hunters patrolling the walls. Due to extreme fog and a mistake in communications, however, the rebels realized that something was wrong. Based on their previous information and their current observations, it was unclear in which tower the officer's quarter was located, and the rebels were therefore unsure which one they should hit. Rather than retreating, a captain of the rebels by the name of Spencer Byers decided to attack the wrong part of the estate anyway. Because of this, most of the library and food reserves were blown up.  


Included under Conflict
Battlefield Type
Start Date


The Rebels

Led by

The Order of the New Dawn



Nathaniel Koch  3 unnamed Night Hunters 2 unnamed cooks 5 unnamed scholars


To free the Rebel captives and eliminate the Order's officers.


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