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Through land and sea

By land or by sea, the way leads to thee
Historically ruled by the Frostblazes, Daybreak boasts a big port, which solidified its status as Astsea's trading hub and, as a result, Daybreak became the most cosmopolitan city in the world Chivalrya. The city’s proximity to both the Blazing and Emerald outposts ensures an all year long steady stream of people from all walks of life. It is impossible to go anywhere in Daybreak and not catch several snippets of conversation off the ever present hum of all its inhabitants and visitors talking.


Traders, sailors, shipwrights, fishermen, craftsmen

Industry & Trade

Daybreak places immense emphasis and importance on trading and commerce, featuring a heavy sea based trade economy encouraged by the merchants at the port. There's also a few 's guilds around but the most common trade practiced in the Blazing Port is shipwrighting.




Daybreak Port

The port that the city's known for. It's considered the best place in the continent for all kinds of trade - on both sides of the law. Due to the sheer amount of people coming and going, it’s the perfect place to hide illegal activities.


Most populated district. As it's the one that the main city gates connect to, it's the first one that travelers arriving by land arrive at.

Flamber District

A smaller district that serves as a connection between Reveille and Hoarfrost, it's on the fancier side and sees richer visitors more often. Unfortunately, Flamber is known to be some sort of an odd middle ground in that aspect, as it's too expensive for the average citizen, but too cheap for the richer inhabitants.

Flare District

Fanciest district, the one that the royal family and court are most likely to be seen at.

Hoarfrost District

The best known noble and fancy district.


The strongest naval structure and fleet in the continent.

Guilds and Factions

Legion of Wing, Ebonarrows, Daybreak City Guard, Daybreak Admiralty, Covert Fate Crew, Sanguine Raiders

Points of interest

Statues, waterways, port


Daybreak is an extremely seaside city, so there's a near constant sea breeze carrying the smell of salt wherever you are in it. It's located in one of the lowest geographical points in the Crownlands, and that depression was used to its advantage, as the hills surrounding it are used as much as defense outposts as they are for tourism.   Even though the city is right by the sea, it has access to fresh water via the Aurora Falls. It's the source of the water that runs through the canals, as well as the primary source of potable water for everyone in Daybreak.


  • Daybreak
Alternative Name(s)
The Blazing Port
Inhabitant Demonym

Cover image: A Port Town by Karl Kaufmann (Austrian, 1843-1905)


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