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Ruled by the Moonstrides and noted by several travelers for the big sense of community among its citizens and known informally as the ranger’s paradise, Sunset is located in the Umbral Wilds, serving as a bastion and checkpoint for those who spend a lot of time in the wilderness. Its specialty trades include anything relating to wood or lumber, but Sunset is best known for its big night market, where traders sell the fruits of their daily labors, most of them artisan goods. Butchers are also a common sight, as they sell the local hunters’ catches.   The Moonstride family has to keep correspondence with local druid conclaves in order to ensure that no one’s abusing the land. This is a treaty that has been in place for centuries.


Rangers, Butchers, Merchants


Night market

Points of interest

Moonstride Hall
Alternative Name(s)
The Ranger's Paradise
Inhabitant Demonym

Cover image: The night market by Petrus van Schendel (Dutch, 1806-1870)


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