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Basic Information


Elves are similar to the Human but with a thinner skeletal and muscular structure. Elves have a thick, crystalline structure that grows in their flesh as they age; leading them to an almost polished stone flesh with the toughness of thick leather by maturity. The blood and waste of Elves crystallizes shortly after separation from their body and the crystalline structures in their skin prevent them from sweating. The only hair they grow is on the top of their head and it is much tougher than regular hair, also having a crystalline structure within it. An Elf that dies has the crystalline structure in their skin harden quickly effectively making them into crystal statues.

Genetics and Reproduction

Elven reproduction is sexual internal fertilization with an internal gestation period of 11 months. Elven infants have slightly translucent flesh when born and for the first few weeks of life.

Growth Rate & Stages

An Elf grows physically slowly, reaching adulthood at around 25 years of age; traversing the Babe, Youth, Adolescent, Near Mature and Mature stages. These stages are differentiated by the development of flesh toughness; a newborn Babe having flesh toughness much like other organisms while an adult would have flesh more akin to the toughness of thick leather.

Ecology and Habitats

Elves are biologically adapted to live in most, non-severely hostile, environments with dense vegetation. All locations Elves inhabit have a dense population of the Gemma tree and supporting ecosystem components.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Elves require the fruit of the Gemma tree or some material from the supporting ecosystem to survive. Elves can extend the time between which they require the Gemma fruit by utilizing a photosynthesis like operation within their bodies. This operation can also be used to increase the amount of energy they have to use; although they cannot utilize this photosynthesis for long periods of time as key ingredients are gained from the Gemma fruit. As all Elven life depends on the production of Gemma fruit there is a large stock of the fruit hoarded and jealously guarded by Elven officials. It is considered a tragedy if a Gemma tree dies of anything but age.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elves have a pointed ear helix which gives them significantly sharper hearing and their eyes allow them too see much better in the light of the moon. Due to the shape of their eyes direct sunlight makes it more difficult for an Elf to see at a distance.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens Speculo
Northerner, Heart-Lander, Forest Tender
200 years.
Average Height
6ft. - 7ft.
Average Weight
100lbs. - 160lbs.

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