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Basic Information


Gnomes are similar to both the Elf and the Halfling; looking physically similar to a smaller Elf. The natural pigmentation proteins found in the hair of the Gnome is abnormal compared to other Homo Sapiens; instead of having: black, brunette, ginger, blonde or white hair they have: azure, orchid, emerald, black and white. Gnomes have extremely dexterous and opposable hallux on each of their feet; this allows them to pick up, and to some degree use, tools with their feet while not removing their ability to walk bipedally.

Genetics and Reproduction

Gnomish reproduction is sexual internal fertilization with an internal gestation period of 6 months. Gnome babies are born blind and deaf and remain less responsive than other babies for the first week of life.

Growth Rate & Stages

A Gnome grows to full maturity by age 16; traversing the Infant, Young, Teen, and Adult stages of their lives. These stages are only differentiated by the physical and mental development of the Gnome.

Ecology and Habitats

Gnomes are biologically adapted to live in most, non-severely hostile, environments with a high degree of success. Most locations that Gnome inhabit are quickly adapted to their requirements.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Gnomes require the juices of the Turpitudinem Melon or as it is better known Turp Juice. This juice has all the nutrients needed by the Gnome body even thought it is no better than slightly sugary water to non-Gnomes.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Much like the Elf, Gnomes have a pointed helix giving them higher auditory acuity; although unlike their larger cousins they have normal vision.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens Simia
Easterner, Westerner, Consortia Amentem, Heartlander
200 years.
Average Height
3ft. - 4ft.
Average Weight
70lbs. - 90lbs.

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