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A city renowned for fast majority of mage users. Is home to the current base of magic schooling. Medieval like village and stuff. Aenthough can be spotted from a vast amount of direction, because it is one of the larger cities in the Kain’s Lands. From the western hill top, you can look down from one of the guard posts there. From the eastern depth, near the small lake there, you can see the grey wall protecting the city, with the exception that you can see the roof of the Aethough Educatory Facility for Arcana. And from the south, you will arrive at the main gate of Aenthough, a large iron gate imbued with a large golden ruin.   General:   The city is riddled with trinkets and traces of adventurers. From markets with swords, potions and trinkets to sigils and works of art. There are many different types of architecture and is and ode to the old City of Torvir, which was once a great beacon of cooperation and harmony. T   Culture   People here believe in the freedom of speech and hold innovation in high regard. Inhabitants put away their differences and history so that they can thrive. Adventurers are common and there are many gathering parties or people looking for adventures. People like to share stories, but always tend to make things a bit bigger than they might have been. Furthermore, these people tend to look out for one another and the streets seem to be filled with an optimistic and content energy.


Main gate

  The main gate is this heavy blackened iron door. The metal black iron gets its name from being harder than regular iron and is dark with a slightly blueish-purplish tone. On the gate is a large golden rune. A detect magic spell would reveal this to be a Conjuration spell. Done in old rune magic. (arcane gate)    

Midnight’s inn

  From the outside the inn stands mighty. A dark oaken struction of three stories high. The windows from the second story up are large with leaden inlays in a diamond pattern. The inside holds many races, adventurers and scholars. The bar is this large circle in the middle of the room with a chandelier hovering above in about the same diameter. In the middle of the bar is a large chest which seems to hold everything. On each side there is a bag of destruction. There are multiple quadrants in the inn. One area is barred off with large tables of companies sitting there. On the other side there is an area with a large carpet and some individual tables. The wall is a large bookcase with mostly history related books. The third area is a stage.   The second and third stories hold rooms, but each one has a couple of tables and bookcases there as well.  

Herb master

  Herb master Frikwilgick Throubloatle is rarely present himself, but his daughter Tassildol Throubloatle is just as good a herb master as her father. She runs this shop and knows about most herbs in the facinity of Aenthough. She also has many books on herbs and their healing. She is also a proficient in herbalism. On the inside there are many pots, jars and books to be found. Some roots are drying in front of the window, and some roots are contained in a water jar. Tassidol is a young gnome wearing a dirty green overall over a dark blue blouse.    

Alchemy master

  Chemist Basan Kabul, an Luxodon from Cerulis runs the alchemy lab. The lab reeks of chemicals, fermentation and different oils. The front desk is quite plain, but the back office is full of supplies, potions and recipes for alchemy. There are also spare brewers and alchemy supplies.  


  And elven sword smith (Aexilian Zuna) and an Dwarven armorer (Z’uul Vrak) work together to hone their respective crafts. Putting aside cultural differences, these two have managed to becom great friends. The armory is loaded with good craftsman ship and it smells of molten iron, coal and sweat.  


  Baijun Silent foot, a tabaxi, runs the library. She is lightish brown with dark stripes along her furr. She has a white snout. The library is quite large and simple. On the inside, the roof of the library seems endless. There are flying carpets for maneauvering.  

Expidition list

  A large board with upcoming expiditions.  

Trinkets & Oddities

  Lana Kester, a satyr, walks from corner to corner. The extremely hospitable being sells all sorts of trinkets. She likes to gather them, however, some are also homemade. The inside is a bit chaotic, with goods laying almost everywhere, but things seem to be placed in an order of sorts. Lana is blonde with thick, bushy curls on her head. Despite the chaotic nature of everything, Lana is able to find everything.  

Adventurer’s Supplies

  A supplies store for adventurers, here you can buy whole packs. There are many different styles of clothing, but they are all focussed on survival. The shopkeeper is a Tiefling Man called, zariel.   Aethough Educatory Facility for Arcana & history   -‘’The Aenthough Educatory Facility for Aracana, or AEFAH, instituted in the year XXXXX, to preserve ancient magic and history. The oldest historic accounts come from the years XXXXXXX, however, different lands hold different sources and there are student accounts on what could have happened in the years prior. The Facility focuses primarily on the preservation of history and artifacts, and also general studies of the arcane. AEFAH is home to the Divination, Transmutation and Abjuration magic. When students have come far enough in their magic expertise, they are tasked to carry out a research of their own, outside of Aelin’s Wall. There are also regular expeditions to Dalagar, to explore the ancient ruins, some ruins have been thoroughly explored and are safe (enough) to be examined by students. The labyrinth below however, are only sometimes ventured to by esteemed mages and their masters. ‘’   Founder is actually Labelas Enoreth, one of the seladrin.
Location under


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