Blessings & Charms

Blessings and charms are potent bonuses a character can earn over the course of their adventure. These benefits may come and go as deemed appropriate by the powers that award them, but for at least the short while they remain with your character, your character can and often will have a distinct advantage over those without. Watch out for opportunities to get a hold of one yourself!  


We do not maintain a dedicated list of charms in the Chromanexus, but if a situation permits you to give a supernatural charm to another character, or to receive one from another character, anything provided in the official D&D materials (such as those listed in DMG's chapter "Charms" or the list of "" from Baldur's Gate are on the table.    Patron Charms. A character that has reached level 20 and has at least one legendary save or domain spell can grant charms to other player characters as part of a deal (the deal generates the magic necessary to create the charm, though you must have a trinket or otherwise mundane object to start with when creating the charm). You're free to choose an option from any of the official lists, or create something custom using the following details as a frame of reference: 
  • If the charm you grant mimics a spell or potion, it cannot mimic a legendary spell (9th level) or potion. A common or uncommon effect is limited to three uses, a rare effect two uses, and a very rare effect is a single use. Alternatively, a common or uncommon charm can potentially give up two of its uses for a rare effect (example: Charm of Restoration). 
  • If the charm you grant mimics the effects of a magic item, it cannot mimic a legendary item nor can its effects last longer than 9 in-game days. This usually means it only lasts for the duration of the adventure you received the charm in, on account of the Chromanexus's dynamic timelines.
  • If your charm grants you some other effect (like summoning a creature to the holder's service, gaining temporary hit points on a use, etc), submit a request either in Blame-a-Gan or Petition-the-Voices (if you'd prefer to keep it private / a surprise for the intended recipient) to coordinate the details. 
Unless you have a trait, ability, or some other circumstance that permits you to ignore this, a patron cannot gift more charms at any given time than they have legendary saves and/or domain spells (maximum 6). To make another, a previously gifted charm must be fully expended or otherwise expire, freeing up room to create a new charm.   


The following blessings have been known to manifest within the realms. You may petition for a blessing once you meet its prerequisites, though the entity offering the blessing reserves the right to decline the request for any reason it deems appropriate. To petition, either mention administration in the OOC thread where the prerequisite was met (link to the moment in RP if necessary) or, if it was not an RP prerequisite (like the Blessing of Abracadabrus) create a thread in blame-a-gan and link to the relevant achievement(s). When you mention administration, please note what (if any) other blessings you already have. Again, the powers that be may see fit to approve or deny your petition at their discretion, based on any number of factors.  

Blessing of Abracadabrus

Prerequisite: Have 100,000 gold pieces in savings   Once per day, you may use an action to touch the closed lid of a chest or similar container and name one or more nonmagical objects (including raw materials, foodstuffs, and liquids) worth a total of 2 gp or less. The named objects magically appear in the container, provided they can all fit inside it and the chest doesn't contain anything else. Food and drink conjured this way are delicious, and they spoil if not consumed after 24 hours. Gems and precious metals created this way disappear after 1 minute. Once used, this ability cannot be used again until you complete a long rest.  

Blessing of Absorption

Prerequisite: Earn the favor of a Great Wyrm, or take Massive Damage from a legendary creature and live to tell the tale   Gain resistance to one damage type of your choice. As a reaction to taking the chosen damage type, you may become immune instead and regain hit points equal to half of what you would have taken. Once this reaction has been used, it can't be used again until you complete a long rest.  

Blessing of Anonymity

Prerequisite: Proficiency in Deception, Persuasion, or Stealth, and earn the favor of a god whose domains include Order, Trickery, or Twilight.   You gain the ability to mask your appearance as if you had donned the lord's ensemble. Creatures you choose may perceive you normally, otherwise they perceive you as a masked and robed humanoid of average height and build. Creatures with legendary actions or legendary saves perceive you normally, but are otherwise still subject to the effects of this blessing.  

Blessing of Bolt

Prerequisite: Earn the favor of a Primordial   You gain a 10 ft bonus to your walking speed, in addition to advantage on initiative checks. Difficult terrain does not impede your movement, and creatures have disadvantage on attacks of opportunity made against you.  

Blessing of Cloud Nine

Prerequisite: Accomplish an act of true heroism   You gain a flying speed of 60 feet if you don't already have one, and gain the hover property while you are not unconscious nor incapacitated.  

Blessing of Comprehension

Prerequisite: Proficiency in History, Investigation, or Religion checks, and earn the favor of a god whose domains include Knowledge.   You learn the comprehend languages spell, which does not count against your known spells. You can cast this spell at will.  

Blessing of Entry

Prerequisite: Proficiency in Investigation, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth, and earn the favor of a god whose domains include Knowledge or Trickery.   As an action, you may point at a door, lid, or lock you can see within 120 feet of you. A number of locks or latches on the object equal to your proficiency bonus open, and if none remain, the object opens. Once used, this ability cannot be used again until you complete a long rest.  

Blessing of Gainfulness

Prerequisite: Earn the favor of a divine power.   Choose an ability score. Your chosen score increases by 2, as does your maximum for that score.  

Blessing of Madness

Prerequisite: Earn the favor of an Elder Aberration or a Dark Power.   As a bonus action, you may imbue yourself with a spark of madness. The next time you deal damage to another creature, the creature must make a Sanity check or suffer a short-term madness effect (determined by the DM) for the next 10 minutes. The DC for this saving throw is 15 or half the damage taken, whichever is greater. The creature may repeat its saving throw at the end of each minute, ending the effect on a success.  

Blessing of Magic Resistance

Prerequisite: Earn the favor of a god whose domains include Arcana.   You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.  

Blessing of Mental Fortitude

Prerequisite: Survive an encounter with a Legendary Eldritch Horror, or earn the favor of an Elder Aberration.   As a bonus action on your turn, or as a reaction to failing a Sanity check, you may grant yourself the benefit of the mind blank spell for one minute. If used as a reaction to failing a sanity check, you may choose to roll again and use the new roll as your result. For the duration, you have advantage on Sanity checks in addition to the spell's other effects. Once this ability has been used once, it cannot be used again until you complete a long rest.  

Blessing of Negation

Prerequisite: Prevent the casting of a devastating spell or ritual, or earn the favor of a god whose domains include Arcana.   As a bonus action or a reaction, you may end a single spell of 5th level or lower that you can perceive. Once used, this ability cannot be used again until you complete a long rest.  

Blessing of Purity

Prerequisite: Reach level 20 on a character without multi-classing.   You are without impurities. Gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws.  

Blessing of the Sage

Prerequisite: Roll a natural 20 on three separate profession (skill) checks. The checks do not need to be consecutive.   Choose a skill or proficiency. You now have expertise in the skill if you did not already, and gain a +5 bonus to checks made using that skill.  

Blessing of the Saint

Prerequisite: Complete an act of true altruism   You radiate bright light in a 30 foot radius, and dim light an additional 30 feet beyond that. This light is considered daylight. As a bonus action on your turn, you may suppress the light for one minute. Additionally, you learn the resurrection spell, which does not count against your list of known spells. You may specially cast this spell as an eight hour ritual using no components.  

Blessing of Stygian Descent

Prerequisite: Consume the soul of a powerful devil and live to tell the tale.   Choose one of the following:  
  • Devil's Sight. You gain darkvision out ot 60 feet if you don't already have it, and magical darkness doesn't impede your darkvision. You do not gain any new flaws, but your existing flaws are amplified to a fault at your discretion.
  • Master Tactician. You are considered to have expertise on intelligence-based checks relating to combat and wartime strategy. You gain the flaw "It is not enough that I should win. Others must suffer."
  • Miring Soul. Standing water within 30 feet of you is fouled by malign influence. If you bottle this water and expend an 8th level spell slot upon it, it gains the qualities of the River Styx, functioning as the spell feeblemind (DC 20) when splashed on another creature. If the creature ingests this water, they have disadvantage on the saving throw. You gain the flaw "I find no interest in helping those I believe to be inferior to me, unless they can somehow serve me in elevating or securing my status."
  • Task Master. You have advantage on charisma-based checks made against devils. You gain the flaw "I am convinced that powerful enemies are hunting me, and their agents are everywhere I go. I am sure they’re watching me all the time."

Blessing of the Traveler

Prerequisite: Visit multiple major landmarks as a part of social (non-quest related) RP.   You may travel comfortably in any environment, and are not effected by the effects of extreme weather.  

Blessing of the Undying

Prerequisite: Experience death at least once, and earn the favor of a god whose domains include Life, Death, or War.   When you would be reduced to 0 hit points, you drop to 1 hit point instead. Once used, this property can't be used again until you complete a long rest.  

Blessing of Valhalla

Prerequisite: Rouse and inspire your allies towards a decisive victory.   This blessing grants you the power to summon spirit warriors, as if you had blown a silver horn of Valhalla. Once you use this blessing, you can't use it again until 7 days have passed.  

Blessing of the Weapon Master

Prerequisite: Roll a natural 20 on three separate profession (combat) checks. The checks do not need to be consecutive.   You are considered proficient with all weapons. Additionally, any non-magical weapon in your hands (including improvised weapons) become a +1 weapon while you wield it. If you let go of or throw the weapon, it loses this property at the end of your turn.  

Blessing of Wound Closure

Prerequisite: Earn the favor of a god.   This blessing grants you the benefits of a periapt of wound closure.


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