Character Size

Characters in Chromanexus and its various realms are typically either Small or Medium in size, as defined by your original choice of race. However, there are some circumstances that may permit a character to gain a size more commonly associated with the various NPC monsters and creatures you may encounter during your adventures.   If a particular feature or ability permanently increases (or decreases) your size, you gain benefits as detailed below. Note that yes, as your size increases you gain an automatic reduction to your armor class. Being largely generally means it's easier for things to hit you.  
  • Tiny (1 inch - 2 feet). You gain a +2 bonus to your armor class, in addition to a +5 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks. Your size makes it difficult for other creatures to spot you or land a solid hit.
  • Small (2 - 4 feet). (No changes)
  • Medium (4 - 8 feet). (No changes)
  • Large (8 - 16 feet). Your reach is increased by 5 feet, your carrying capacity is doubled, and your armor class is decreased by 1.
  • Huge (16 - 32 feet). Your reach is increased by 10 feet, your carrying capacity is quadrupled, and your armor class is decreased by 2.
  • Gargantuan (32+ feet). Your reach is increased by 15 feet, your carrying capacity is multiplied by eight, and your armor class is decreased by 3.
  The exact range of your possible height and weight will typically be described by the feature or ability granting you the size increase.   Larger creatures tend to have some added weight behind their blows. Natural weapons, unarmed strikes, and weapons designed for you(r size) deal two, three, and four times as many dice as the Medium equivalent, as detailed in the Monster Manual. Armor, on the other hand, grants no better or worse traits regardless of size. In other words, if you have a longsword that normally deals 1d8 damage, the Large version would deal 2d8 damage, Huge would deal 3d8, and Gargantuan would deal 4d8 damage. Likewise, a greatsword dealing 2d6 damage would deal 4d6, 6d6, and 8d6 respectively.   If you attempt to use a weapon meant for a creature smaller or larger than you, it is considered an improvised weapon and at the GM's discretion, makes attack rolls at disadvantage. You cannot lift or use weapons or armor meant for a creature two or more sizes larger or smaller than you, period. Likewise, weapons and armor for larger or smaller creatures may vary in cost and weight, and may demand a minimum Strength to effectively use as they get larger.   See Market Catalogue for price references.  
Note: magical items only resize to fit their wielder if worn, assuming the item has the capacity to do so (if it can't, the item will explicitly have this noted somewhere). Weapons, shields, and other held accessories must be crafted to fit the size of the intended wielder. 


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