Dark Hunt in Chromanexus | World Anvil

Dark Hunt

The Queen of Air and Darkness, master of the Unseelie Court, has marked a target for one of her Dark Hunts. Your party has caught wind of the endeavor, a band of like-minded inviduals rallied together to either join the hunt yourselves, protect the quarry from harm, or steal it for themselves. The Corridor will bring your party close, but finding the quarry will be half the battle. The other half will be contending with competing Hunting Bands until the mission has been completed, one way or another.  

The Quarry

To run this mission, you must first select a Quarry. The Quarry might be an item or a creature (of no particular type). The Quarry doesn't necessarily have to be magical or even necessarily legendary; it just needs to have some interesting or unique trait, quality, or sentiment to it. Who knows why the Raven Queen wants it. She just does. The Quarry may or may not know it's being hunted, either, let alone why - perhaps it is someone who once gave their name to a coven of hags loyal to the Raven Queen, and she is now exacting that price.   Your first encounter will typically be a skill challenge tracking down and/or identifying the Quarry. It's up to you to decide whether the Quarry itself will present an encounter, such as convincing it to let you help, or fighting it into submission so you can capture it.   If your party intends to capture the quarry and turn it in, note that the quarry is not personally delivered to the Raven Queen. Your party instead delivers the quarry to an archfey, coven, or other indirect power loyal to the Raven Queen who then delivers it on "the outsiders'" behalf, for better or worse.  

Dark Huntsmen

Whether your party is helping or hindering, assume there will be at least one encounter with a hostile Dark Huntsman, a band of Unseelie-aligned creatures here to secure the Raven Queen's demands with little interest in working with you, even if on the same side. A Dark Hunt is typically composed of at least one fey creature (whomever leads the hunt) and an array of lesser fey, aberrations, monstrosities, elementals, fiends, plants, or undead. The higher the perceived value of the Raven Queen's mark, the deadlier the arrangements should be when encountered.  

Special Rewards

Dark Hunts don't necessarily pay any better or worse than other missions, but they do have the chance of currying favor with one or more of the three Fey Courts (the Gloaming Court, Summer Court, and Sable Court respectively). A debt unpaid is a grievous insult even among the most powerful fey creatures, so much so that they may overlook qualities that might disbar you from becoming friends or allies (like being non-fey, if trying to win favor with the Unseelie, who generally see all non-fey creatures as food or slaves).  

Interfering with the Unseelie

If the party takes actions that interfere with or obstruct the Unseelie's motivations, the Seelie Court may look on them favorably. However, in the same vein, the Unseelie may take offense to your party's interference, and name them the mark of future Hunts.  

Truly Neutral

If the party takes actions without letting politics drive those decisions and simply doing what the heart desires, the Sable Court may look on them favorably.  

Aiding the Unseelie

If the party takes actions that would help the Unseelie (including but not limited to delivering the quarry), the Unseelie Court may entertain the idea of looking on them favorably, potentially permitting them to gain access to the Unseelie Court even if not personally fey. Be aware that throwing one's lot in with the Unseelie is almost certain to brand oneself dangerous or a threat in the eyes of the Seelie.


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