Flame Caradore

Flame Caradore

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, somewhat muscular, but lean rather than beefy. He is quite fit, due to his constant swords practice and wandering nature.

Identifying Characteristics

Flame is named such for his brilliant, flame-red hair, which falls in waves around his shoulders when loose, though he usually keeps it bound back in a ponytail. More importantly, however, are the features which mark him as a tiefling; black horns which curl backwards from his forehead (not shown in his character image), bright orange eyes with catlike pupils, a long, sinuous red tail which ends in several barbs and a spade, and legs which end in cloven hooves, which from the shin down are covered in silky red fur.

Apparel & Accessories

Flame dresses in plain clothing made from fine materials, one of the only concessions he makes to his former life as a nobleman, and tends to wear clothes that mask his tiefling features, often wearing the hood on his Cloak of Elvenkind up to cover his horns, and wearing floor-length robes to conceal his hooves and tail. Despite this, he wears a few pieces of nice jewelry, such as a simple circlet, a necklace bearing the symbol of his goddess, and a bracelet or two.

A young paladin, born as a tiefling due to an ancient curse on his family, but chosen by a goddess of light due to his gentle soul.

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Lawful Good
Flame red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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