
“Because no adventure is complete without a home to come back to.”

-Captain Armory of the Armored Brigade
  It’s no secret that people like having places to live, and in games especially, it’s one of the few remaining places we get to live out the ultimate fantasy of easy homeownership. Far be it from us to stand in the way of your effortless home improvement projects and overnight super-easy-barely-an-inconvenience renovations.   Note: Previously, we used to consider Boats, Airships, and Spelljammers part of the housing system. As of the Chromanexus release, these are now separate vehicles.   With enough enough coin in your pocket and a place you'd like to chase down your dreams of suburban bliss, you can spend some change to place down your own home somewhere in the Chromanexus. There's plenty of room for everyone. Owning a property grants your character three benefits:  
  • A personalized Wizipedia page. Your house can exist anywhere in the Chromanexus. However, since Discord Forums have a limited number of tags to use, we only use the "Player Housing" tag as a general catch-all for players' properties, with a note in the post guidelines about what houses are where. When you purchase your house, so that people are more familiar with the description of your place, you can write up a small blurb about your property and submit it in blame-a-gan for staff to import to this website.
  • A personalized shop in the Bazaar. The Bazaar is a liminal space where all the shops and markets of the Chromanexus merge seamlessly together into a single grand marketplace. Most folks are unaware of this. Provided you own any house other than a basic Cabin, you are free to add your own shop to the bazaar to buy, sell, and trade with other players.
  • Permission to purchase a workshop. Craftsmen need somewhere to work. Once you own a house, it's assumed you have space to build in a workshop to support your crafting efforts. More on this below.

Choosing a Home

  Expand the above table to see the list of available housing options. Each house's upkeep cost has been factored into lifestyle expenses for simplicity's sake and, yes, if you purchase a house with hirelings, you gain those hirelings free of cost. They are considered staff for the purposes of maintaining your character's property in their absence. Once you've made your choice, you can purchase the deed from Lauren in The Grand Emporium, located in the Bazaar.   Once you've purchased your home, head over to blame-a-gan and make a post requesting a player housing article (include the link to your purchase). Include where your character's house is located (an Overworld or Domain) and a brief description of what your place looks like (consider a target of 500 - 1,500 words for a thorough description, but this is more a recommendation than it is a rule). Staff will then take your submission and add it to the Atlas section of the Wizipedia.   Some important notes:
  • The Breach is not available as a player housing locale. Additionally, if you choose any Domain other than Chromatia, you need written permission from the player who owns that domain (unless they've got a note in their post guidelines that anyone is free to live there) that it's fine for other characters to set up shop there. It is their realm, after all. They might not want houses in it.
  • If you’d like a version of your property that flies, double the base cost and increase the upkeep requirement by one step (modest to comfortable, comfortable to wealthy, wealthy to aristocratic). If the upkeep is already aristocratic, double the upkeep cost instead. If you own an Ythryn Mythallar and have locked it to this property, the cost increase is waived.
  • Most housing options are able to operate some level of trade or business in your absence, permitting the cost of hirelings (both skilled and unskilled) to be included in your purchase. These hirelings do not count against your upkeep expenses. The value left over (ie, what you pay in upkeep) is whatever cannot be reliably covered by staff autonomy. What exactly they’re doing when you’re not around is up to you, provided it remains within the boundaries of the I Know a Guy rule.
  • If you wish for the same character to own multiple properties, increase your upkeep by one step unless you’re already living an aristocratic lifestyle; in which case, simply add the combined total(s) to your total upkeep cost (for example, if I own both an inn and a small castle, my weekly upkeep is 110 gp before taking anything else into consideration).
  On the off chance you would like to relocate your home to another Overworld area or domain, or change the area's description, simply pay half the house's purchase cost (while expressing where you wish to move your character's house to in blame-a-gan) and staff will update the article be done as soon as available. Alternatively, if you purchase a workshop, you may request a page update without additional expenses (link to the workshop purchase instead).  

Owning a Shop

If you purchased any home other than the basic cabin, you are now authorized to post your own shop in the Bazaar. The shop is managed by your character and staffed by your hirelings (assume skilled hirelings help with professional tasks, whereas unskilled hirelings are taking care of any menial labor).   For more information about shops and their different types, see The Bazaar, Downtime, and Craft.


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