Klaudovere, Horseman of Fury

Fury is, by some accounts, among the most direct of the four horsemen. Many characterize Fury as incandescent rage, a blazing inferno leaving only ruin in its wake, but truthfully, it is not the towering flames.   No.   It is the smoldering embers, the spark that landed amidst the tinder that led the forest to devastation. Shrewd and uncaring perhaps … but ruthlessly efficient.
  Fury is the emotion most often elicited in times of stress and conflict, and so it is that wherever Strife appears, Fury is soon to follow. Unlike Strife's often abstract and reckless abandon, Fury is a smothering force that binds its victims and chokes out opposition. It is among the first that learned how to draw power from the material realm, and so it is believed that Fury was likely involved in the emergence of the poorly understood Hoard Magic that dragons and other creatures who draw their power from material wealth have enjoyed for untold generations.   The Rider Fury manifests the following powers in addition to those granted by the Path of the Rider:   Chains of Carceri. It is suspected that the Rider Fury may have been partially responsible for the emergence of Carceri in the early dawn of creation, the gaoler of an infinite prison to keep the brethren it betrayed bound and hidden away from existence for the rest of eternity. Whether this is true or not, it is known the Rider Fury wields these chains with impunity.   The chain has no distinct properties, other than being a mark of your position. The chains can be used to extend the reach of your melee weapons as far as 30 feet, or 60 feet if you are in your Avatar state. When you hit a creature with the chains (use the properties of a whip if you lack a weapon at its end), you can choose to grapple the creature (escape DC 18) as part of the attack. You can only have one creature grappled this way at any given time.   Aura of Despair. True fury is not something you can see. You permanently gain the benefits of the shadow of moil spell, which is not considered a spell for you and is thus immune to antimagic or similar effects. Additionally, it has a range equal to your paladin aura instead of its normal range. You can suppress this trait until the end of your next turn as a bonus action on each of your turns.   In addition to its other effects, non-magical plant life within this area of effect instantly withers to ash and animals are unwilling to approach you. Creatures that start their turn or enter the area of effect for the first time on their turn have their Constitution score reduced by 1 (this effect can stack). Creatures you choose, legendary creatures, creatures with legendary saves, or a creature with the Magic Resistance trait are unaffected by this part of the ability. If the creature's Constitution score is reduced to 0 by this trait, it withers and is reduced to ash. A creature that has had its Consitution score reduced by this trait can only regain it after completing a long rest for each point lost. No magic, other than a wish spell, can undo this.   Dark Speech. You can use an action to speak the forgotten language of Dark Speech. When you do so, all creatures other than creatures that understand Dark Speech within 15 feet of you take 3d6 psychic damage.   Denial. Revenge can be sweet. Mercy can be cruel. Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with damage you deal, you may use your reaction to deny them the finality of death, restoring the creature to 1 hit point. A creature restored this way is incapacitated until the start of your next turn.   Hoard Magic. While it is not entirely clear why, the Rider Fury is capable of drawing power from material wealth in much the same way dragons have done for millenia. At any time, you may transfer wealth to a discreet vault hidden somewhere in Gehenna. Wealth stored in this vault cannot be removed later. Keep track of the material value of all coinage, treasures, or similar objects you store in the vault.   For every 1,000,000 GP stored in the vault, you gain a +1 bonus to your paladin aura and spell save DCs. At any time, you can sacrifice 1,000,000 GP from this vault to fully restore yourself as if by the effects of the spell power word heal.   Curiously, this also seems to give you some sway with yugoloths. Whenever in their immediate presence, commands you give to yugoloths are followed without complaint or hesitation. However, this only extends for as long as you're in their immediate presence. Their loyalty when you're not looking is subject to debate, so be cautious about giving yugoloths commands that don't somehow benefit their immediate self-interests.   Lord of Brutality. While in Gehenna or Carceri, you are considered invulnerable and cannot take damage unless you choose to allow it.   Mark of Enmity. When you take damage from a creature, you may use your reaction to mark that creature with your wild hunt trait. Alternatively, you may mark a creature you are familiar with and hostile towards. You do not have to be on the same plane of existence to mark the creature, and are aware of the distance to and direction of the marked creature even if on different planes of existence. If the creature tracked by you dies, you know.   Pursuit Predator. Let it never be said that fury is short and sweet. While a creature is marked by your Wild Hunt trait, you know when it is resting and may additionally gain the benefits of a short or a long rest while traveling or on the move. If you can see the marked creature, you can dash as a bonus action on each of your turns.   Silver Curse. You learn the hold person, hold monster, and imprisonment spells. When cast, each spell is represented by spectral chains erupting from the ground (or a suitable rift) beneath the target, binding them on a successful casting. If you are not a spell caster, use your Charisma modifier to calculate the save DC or use 18, whichever is higher.   If the target of the spell is marked by your Wild Hunt trait, they are considered to have disadvantage on their saving throw. If you are in your Avatar state, you can gain a level of exhaustion to force the creature to automatically fail its roll (a creature with a legendary save may still spend it to automatically succeed instead). You do not need any material or verbal components to cast these spells, and the Chain functions as the somatic component.   Keep the following notes in mind:  
  • Hold Person. You can cast this spell at will.
  • Hold Monster. You can cast this spell once per day, regaining use of the spell at dawn.
  • Imprisonment. You can cast this spell once per day. Instead of the spell's normal options, a creature restrained by this spell is pulled through the rift and dragged to Carceri, where it will rot for the rest of eternity. There is no limit to the number of creatures you can bind this way.


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