Quick Setup Guide

This is a compressed version of Game Tools and Setup for those who just need a quick refresher on tools and references.   Ignoring character creation itself, which can range from instant to "when inspiration strikes", these steps take about 30 minutes to an hour to complete from start-to-finish.  
  1. Log in to Discord.

  2. Log in to D&D Beyond. If you have not already, integrate DDB with your Discord account. You can do this from your account settings.

  3. Choose a sheet manager (DDB or DiceCloud) and create a sheet. If using DDB:

    Campaign #1: https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/11621411959641102
    Campaign #2: https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/5049502416228066
    Campaign #3: https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/24077101519878143

    If you already have a character, please use the same campaign you used for your other character(s) to avoid taking extra campaign slots.

  4. Build your character.

    • Use 36-point buy for scores.
    • Choose a level (1 - 10).
    • Choose either a Very Rare magic item, a Rare and two Uncommons, or a Pure Chromatite.
    • Add Mystic Conflux to your character feats and choose a Stellar Armament to equip.
    • Add a free feat of your choose (provided you meet the feat's prerequisites).
    • Add 100 GP x your starting level to your inventory.
    • Use your starting wealth to shop for additional items (reference Market Catalogue for prices) if desired.

  5. Log in to World Anvil.

  6. Create a Character Bio for your new character.

  7. Back on Discord, submit sheet for approval in sheet-management. Submission needs relevant character info, as described in the forum's post guidelines (book icon next to 'New Post').

  8. In your browser, go to this link: http://www.worldanvil.com/heroes/world/dbe0d935-b5e3-406a-afa5-22db0182dac6/grant-access/Y6p3-JUAM-siTO8z.

    This adds your character to the Chromanexus character list for staff to link and reference in relevant articles.

  9. Log in to Tupperbox.

  10. Create a tupper for your character (use your the link to your bio art, plus your character's name and bracket).

  11. Back in Discord, import your Character Sheet to Avrae with !import.

  12. Use the !xp command to set your starting XP based on your starting level.

  13. Use the !g coins command to enter your starting wealth (after purchases).


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