Raguel, Horseman of War

The Rider of War is a representation of a tendency that comes as naturally as breathing to life and things like it. It is a necessary evil, a cruel mercy granted to all things mortal and divine to resolve differences when no other solution remains.   But tell me little soldier, who truly wins?   The one who swings the blade, or the one who gave the order?
  Do I really need to add more flavor than that awesome passage up there? No, but I'm going to anyway. War is inevitable. War is eternal. When chaos turns to Strife, and Strife elicits Fury, should nothing intervene then War will always come. Like the concepts each other Rider represents, the very idea of War is paradoxical; is it good? Is it evil? Who can ever really say? Whatever the case, War creates many things while destroying as many others. Many surmise this is likely why the Rider War has so many ties to the occupants and the endless wars of both Meliora and the Netherrealms, including but not limited to the never-ending war hosted in Acheron, the "Eternal Battlefield".   The Rider War manifests the following powers in addition to those granted by the Path of the Rider:   Judgement Day. The act of transforming into your avatar state is akin to the seven trumpeting horns said to signal the last of all wars. It is a bellowing war cry, rallying those who fight alongside you and instilling your enemies with fear. For the duration you remain in your avatar state, all creatures in the vicinity who can see you or are aware of you are affected by your paladin aura. If an allied creature does not wield a magical weapon, their weapon becomes magical for the duration.   Cleave. Whenever you take the Attack action on your turn while mounted or in your avatar state, you may replace one of your attacks with this action. Rather than making a melee weapon attack against a single creature within range, you may force all creatures within a 15 foot cone to make a Dexterity saving throw or take your weapon’s damage. On a success, the creature only takes half as much damage but is otherwise still affected.   The DC for this effect is 10 + your Strength modifier + your Proficiency bonus, or 18 (whichever is higher). If you are in your Avatar state, the range of your cleave is extended to 30 feet.   Dark Speech. You can use an action to speak the forgotten language of Dark Speech. When you do so, all creatures other than creatures that understand Dark Speech within 15 feet of you take 3d6 psychic damage.   Enlightened Lore. You know the true name of all angels and devils. If there are terms branded upon their soul, such as a devil's Diabolical Deal, you can read and understand it as plainly as a story on paper.   Enlightened Magic. You know all spells from the cleric and paladin spell lists. If a creature casts a spell you know, you can use your reaction to negate it as if by the effects of counterspell cast at the 5th level.   You may gain a level of exhaustion to cast a spell you know in place of using a spell slot, casting the spell at its lowest possible level when you do so. Exhaustion gained this way cannot be cured by any means aside from natural rest.   Godbrand. A creature you mark with your wild hunt trait is marked for obliteration. Once per turn, whenever you attack and successfully hit a creature, you may cast divine smite at its lowest level for free (you may expend a spell slot to cast it normally at a higher level).   Judge, Jury, and Executioner. You learn the planar ally spell. You can use this spell to conjure the angels of Mercy and Judgment to your side, who act immediately after you take your turn in initiative. They otherwise act on their own accord, but are friendly to you and your allies for the duration of their presence.   Lord of the Battlefield. While in Elysium, Acheron, or Baator, you are considered invulnerable and cannot take damage unless you choose to allow it.   Additionally, you are immune to the mind-wiping effects of the Rainbow Bridge, the Phlogiston, and the River Styx. You can command each to deliver you from your present location to your intended destination, provided both locations are realms that can be reached and connected by these timeless undercurrents.   Silver Halo. You gain a protective halo wrought from silvery material not of any known realm. They say it is War's halo that inspired the rings of light worn over the heads of celestials. This halo sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. You can dismiss or manifest the halo as a bonus action. While present, the halo gives you advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made to interact with good creatures and Charisma (Intimidation) checks made to interact with evil creatures. In addition, fiends and undead within the halo’s bright light make attack rolls against you with disadvantage.   Sundering Weapon. While in your avatar state, your power is sufficient to permit far more destructive methods of combat. Your sword is wreathed in devastating light, granting you the benefits of the holy weapon spell without requiring concentration and increasing the reach of both your melee weapon attacks and your cleave attack by fifteen feet.   If the burst effect of a holy weapon is used during this time, this effect is suppressed until the end of your next turn. Damage caused by this effect is considered siege damage, and deals twice as much damage to objects and structures.   Warlord’s Mantle. While mounted or in your avatar state, you gain resistance to all damage except for psychic damage. Additionally, you are immune to effects that would force you to move against your will or stop you.


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