
In the world of Chromatia, memories and experience are a unique kind of power in their own right. They represent our character's influence and strength in a variety of ways, from complex combat maneuvers to navigating social challenges.   This event can only occur once a character has reached level 20. Similar effects achieved by similar methods, like casting a wish spell at level 17 to "start over", generally just don't work if not kill the character outright from the catastrophic bombardment of energies. It's simply not an option otherwise, for reasons only the Greater Voices themselves understand.   In any case, once your character has reached this level, you may choose an "event of significance" to trigger rejuvenation. The exact context is entirely at your discretion, but it should be a moment of profound significance in this character's story for better or worse. Examples include:  
  • Your character's deity abandoning them
  • A moment of extreme emotional trauma in a place suffused with divine power
  • Using a wish to grant your class companion independence, severing them from your soul in the process
  Again, the exact context is up to you, but it should almost invariably feature some inexplicable or obscure supernatural element. The more abstract the better. The aftermath of the event vary from one character to the next - as their level resets and they lose the experiences they've accrued, they may forget their life up to that moment entirely (IE, some kind of magic amnesia others might remember these experiences fondly, though at a distance. For all intents-and-purposes, it is not much different from starting a new life.   A character who undergoes the ritual returns to level 1. Additionally, you gain an option from each of the below lines:  
  • (a) 2 Pure Chromatite or (b) 1 Pure Chromatite and 1 Ruby Tear with properties based on your character's traits, lifestyle, and experiences
  • (a) Retain any blessings you previously obtained or (b) lose all blessings and gain 1 Pure Chromatite for each blessing lost
  Regardless of your choice, you  
  • treat the moment as a Mulligan (this does not count against any additional mullgais), noting any changes you make (including your Rejuvenation choices) as part of Rejuvenation on your sheet management thread;
  • retain any Pillars of Ascension features, including any legendary saves or innate spells you have obtained from this feature. The next time you reach level 20, you may gain an additional legendary save or innate spell. You cannot gain more than three (3) legendary saves this way, nor can you gain more than three (3) innate spells;
  • continue to accrue epic boons at the normal post-20 milestones. However, you cannot ever obtain more than 10 epic boons;
  • unless you are a Rider of the Apocalypse, you may optionally choose to retain your Greater Path choice. There are no negative consequences if you choose to relinquish your Path, and you will be refunded any Pure Chromatite invested in your Path Echo if you choose to relinquish it this way.


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