Restricted Items in Chromanexus | World Anvil

Restricted Items

D&D offers a massive catalogue of strange, unique, and fantastic magic items. Unfortunately, not all of them are ideal for Chromatia's game environment and some still have powers beyond the scope of what a character can or should be able to obtain of their own volition. Whenever you're looking to purchase equipment or craft items, consult this list to make sure your choices are available.  

Complete Restriction

An item on the "Complete Restriction" list cannot be obtained by any means outside of Staff Intervention. These items are typically intended for specific campaigns or settings, and those that aren't are simply off the table. Be aware that some 3rd party sites (like 5eTools) are known to list custom- or campaign-specific items that do not otherwise appear in the DDB item catalogues, and are otherwise by default banned from play in Chromatia. If you're ever not sure if an item you're looking at on another site is a "real" item, such as the weapon "Tearulai" from Dungeon of the Mad Mage, use the !item (name) lookup command in #dice-rolls. It the item doesn't exist, assume it's not permitted for play.  
  • Stellar Armaments (any legendary item or artifact with the "Dormant -> Awakened -> Exalted" description)
  • Named sentient items (such as Dawnbringer or Snicker-Snack; general items like Docents are not effected)
  • Ability Manuals & Tomes (Health, Exercise, Action, Clear Thought, Leadership, Understanding)
  • Blackstaff
  • Crown of Westemar
  • Dragonstaff of Ahghairon
  • Deck of Several Things
  • Graz’tchar, the Decadent End
  • Hammock of Worlds
  • Holy Symbol of Ravenkind
  • Icon of Ravenloft
  • Ruinblade
  • Sunsword
  • Talarith
  • Witchlight Vane
  • Witchlight Watch

Partial Restriction

Items on this list are not banned from general play, but are otherwise unique or can only be obtained through specific methods known only to staff. If the method of obtaining the item is publically known, it will be provided below. Otherwise, these items require discovering their formula or backstory and coordinating the necessary quest or adventure with staff.  
  • Dragon Masks (Black, Blue, Green, Red, and White)
  • Hoard Items (Dragon Vessel, Dragon's Wrath Weapon, Dragon-Touched Focus, Scaled Ornament)
  • Ruidium Items
  • Symbiotic Items
  • Azuredge
  • Bag of Beans
  • Belashyrra's Beholder Crown
  • Deck of Many More Things
  • Deck of Many Things
  • Drown
  • Gloves of Soul Catching
  • Gold Canary Figurine of Wondrous Power
  • Helm of Disjunction
  • Horn of Beckoning Death
  • Infernal Tack
  • Iron Flask
  • Korolnor Scepter
  • Lost Crown of Besilmer
  • Luck Blade
  • Matalok
  • Moonblade
  • Murgaxor's Orb
  • Nether Scroll of Azumar
  • Nightbringer
  • Powered Armor
  • Pyxis of Pandemonium
  • Rakdos Riteknife
  • Red Wizard Blade
  • Ring of Three Wishes
  • Robe of the Archmagi
  • Ruby Weave Gem
  • Scaled Ornament
  • Scroll of Tarrasque Summoning
  • Scroll of the Comet
  • Shard Solitaire
  • Shield of the Hidden Lord
  • Staff of the Magi
  • Tablet of Reawakening
  • Talisman of Pure Good
  • Talisman of Ultimate Evil
  • Tome of the Stilled Tongue
  • Ythryn Mythallar


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