Rook Character in Chromanexus | World Anvil


Kobold Thief Rook (a.k.a. French fries fuck,)

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

a pair of shaded goggles, a long flowing cape.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Abandoned and traded by his birth mother as an egg, Rook grew up under the rule of the blue Great Wyrm, Aqarmia.   Living in fear for most of his days, the kobold developed a distain for dragon kind early on.

Gender Identity



Somewhere between Ace and Straight.


His what?


Working under a Greatwyrm most of his life, but doing the absolute bare minimum of the required work load simply to stay alive.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Escaping from Aqarmia's lair initially.   Returning back and forth to help free hundreds of other kobolds along with him for over a year without being caught.

Failures & Embarrassments

Dying on his first real mission to a dragons breath. (Note: always listen to your stupid ideas, not the optimal ones.)   After a year of stealing from Aqarmia, he played right into a trap planned by her. Fortunately left alive, but still humiliated and defeated.

Mental Trauma

Rook struggled with a crippling fear of dragon kind early on. To the point of becoming a quivering begging mess in the presence of one. Eventually through a lot of work and some great friends along the road, he was able to overcome this fear.   That said, the road hasn't always been easy outside of the desert. Many trials, errors, and friends put in danger, harmed, or lost. After Aryth's kidnapping he slowly spiraled into a craving for more power. Only worsening as Civip and Rylanor were nearly killed by Hyltades, Kris was killed by a lich, and finally, the resulting actions that caused him to kill the three scroll binders.   Rook still struggles with the guilt of this, with Aqarmia's words of him being more like her than he thinks constantly keeping him up at night.

Intellectual Characteristics

Hahahahahahahahhahahahahaha   ....   oh youre serious.

Morality & Philosophy

Freedom and Abolishion of rule. Basically anarchy, and living for what you want and desire.

Personality Characteristics


After living under a dragons claw for most of his life, he decided that no one should have to be subjected to that.   Rook yearns to become strong enough to not just take out his old "Master", but anyone who would lord their power over others.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes Feeling Free His found family Meats Thievery   Dislikes Tyrants Some Dragons Mostly Greatwyrms Feeling confined or controlled


Contacts & Relations

Team Dragon Aryth and crew 1135 rescued kobolds. Moli - Biological parent.

Family Ties

Moli, his mother. Their relationship is arguably more frayed than his hatred for Greatwyrms.

Religious Views

The gods never helped me before, I always had to and always will have to cut my own path.

Hobbies & Pets

Pet Giant Alligator named Gambit. Owl familiar named Great.

Wealth & Financial state

Half a million gold in savings. Most of it goes towards supporting his adopted kobolds.

Kobold, Rogue, Aberration, spiteful mother fucker.

Current Location
Gods only know
View Character Profile
Chaotic neutral
Date of Birth
12th of Celobra
Northern desert of Priotoris
Current Residence
His own castle
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Guys, Umbryl just said i need prescribed uh... Youth-Enasia?"   "Someone told me I'll learn my lesson one day... THAT WAS A FUCKING LIE."   "Yes. I am in fact, saying the Greatwyrm's need to touch grass."   "Fuck the Greatwyrm's."   "Katre, Please for the love of the actual Gods stop seeing me as one."
Known Languages
Draconic, Common, Infernal, Loxodon,


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