Ruby Tear in Chromanexus | World Anvil

Ruby Tear

The Ruby Tear, as its been called, gets its name from its blood-red teardrop-esque appearance. The jewels are absurdly rare, legendary even, prompting some merchants and craftsmen to spend hundreds of thousands of gold pieces just to get their hands on one.   Why? Because of their ability to serve as a binding component for living magic items - Echoes - that can grow in power and utility alongside their owners.   But what makes them so rare? Well, there's only two known ways to find a ruby tear. The first and most well known method of finding ruby tears is deep inside veins of Pure Chromatite, a rare commodity of its own throughout the multiverse. This is of course not a guarantee you may find one ... they only spawn in places where the recollection of something truly significant has latched on. The ruby tear stores this memory within itself not unlike the far more common spellshard found throughout most of existence, suggesting a similar origin to the materials. Unlike a spellshard, however, the ruby tear's stored memories are a source of magic and power, to such an extent that some folks have taken to viewing Ruby Tears as an extension of the Chromanexus's collective conscious, created by powers and wills beyond the understanding of even gods themselves.   The only other means of obtaining a ruby tear is to be (or to trade with) an individual who carries The Astral Spark - that mark on the soul that sets one on the path to adventure and beyond. How the ruby tears come into these individuals' possession is subjective, but a reliable supply of Ruby Tears is available to those who continue to adventure. Perhaps it is access to ruby tears that has given the individual their spark to begin with, latching on to the memory of an unexpected adventure? Who can really say?  

Ruby Tear

Wondrous item, legendary (artifact)
A Ruby Tear has the following traits:   Spellshard. A ruby tear has the traits and properties of a spellshard. Each ruby tear contains the memories leading up and relating to the moment that spawned it, which cannot be removed from the tear by any means.   Resonance. Whenever a particularly memorable moment or event occurs or an adventure is completed, the Voice responsible for creating that moment generates this ruby tear to record it and grants a copy to all those present for it. When the Voice creates this tear, they choose a Creator, History, Minor Property, and Quirk from each of the lists on this page that refer to people, places, or things encountered during the experience (alternatively, the Voice may roll randomly from these properties and use them as inspiration to create the adventure after the fact). The individual who holds the tear knows these traits and as an action may re-live the experience through the tear, though the traits themselves are inert (unavailable) until transferred to an Echo or Note.   When the ruby tear is used to fashion one of these items, its properties (including its Spellshard trait) are transferred to the item and the ruby tear is destroyed.    


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