
Ships are generally assumed to be ‘boat-like’ vessels. As noted previously, assume a purchased ship is its naval variant and only intended for sea travel.   “Basic” Spelljammers also fall under this category - that is to say, any spelljammer listed under Spelljammer Vessels - and can be purchased outright if you have the funds. Double the spelljammer’s book value (if it does not have a book value, it is not available to purchase). A spelljammer has no explicit vehicle stations other than those that come complementary with it, with the exception of the space galley, which is otherwise treated with the same stats and options as the galley listed below.   Note that a naval ship converted into a flying ship cannot land on solid ground, as its keel would cause the ship to tip over on its side. Good for an emergency landing, not so good for continued use of the ship.  

Galley (30,000 GP)

Galleys are long vessels that heavily rely on sails to move. These ships can carry siege weapons and soldiers to war or transport large amounts of cargo for merchants. No matter the ship’s purpose, the crew almost always hire extra protection, since galleys make large, cargo-rich targets for pirates.   A galley has following features:  
  • Size. Gargantuan (130 ft x 20 ft)
  • Decks & Ceilings. A galley features a Main Deck and single Below Deck (Steerage). The ceiling of the galley’s lower deck is 8 feet high.
  • Light. Hanging lanterns cast bright light throughout the ship.
  • Rigging. Rigging on the ship can be climbed without an ability check.
  • Sails and Oars. The galley has one 120-foot-tall with sails to catch the wind and oars on the lower deck for rowing the vessel.
  • Speed. The galley has a swimming speed of 35 ft (4 mph (96 miles per day)).
  • Hull. AC 15, 500 hit points (damage threshold 20).
  • Crew. A galley supports up to 80 crewmembers, and can carry an additional 40 passengers.
  • Cargo. 150 tons.
  • Vehicle Stations. A galley comes standard with four ballista on the forward bow, and two mangonels on the afterdeck. It features four vehicle stations on the main deck, and eight vehicle stations in steerage.

Warship (25,000 GP)

Warships are large vessels designed to function as troop transports and siege platforms, and can take on more cargo than their sailing ship counterparts.   A warship features:  
  • Size. Gargantuan (100 ft x 20 ft)
  • Decks & Ceilings. A warship features a forecastle, aftcastle, a main deck, a lower deck (Steerage), and a cargo hold. The ceilings in the lower decks are each 8 feet high with 6-foot-high doorways.
  • Doors. The ship’s doors are made of reinforced wood and have AC 16, 20 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage. A lock can be picked with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check made using thieves’ tools, or the door can be forced open with a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check.
  • Footlockers. Footlockers on the ship are iron and have AC 19, 18 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage.
  • Light. Hanging lanterns cast bright light throughout the ship.
  • Rigging. Rigging on the ship can be climbed without an ability check.
  • Sails & Oars. The ship has three 80-foot-tall masts with sails to catch the wind and oars on the lower deck for rowing.
  • Speed. The warship has a swimming speed of 35 ft (4 mph (96 miles per day).
  • Hull. AC 15, 500 hit points (damage threshold 20).
  • Crew. A warship supports up to 40 crew, and can carry an additional 60 passengers.
  • Cargo. 200 tons.
  • Vehicle Stations. A galley comes standard with one ballista on both the forecastle and the aft castle, and two mangonels on the Main Deck. It features two additional vehicle stations on the Main Deck, and six in Steerage.

Longship (10,000 GP)

Longships are vessels typically used to carry soldiers into combat. The size of a longboat makes it easy for troops to get on and off quickly, making it the perfect ship for engaging in surprise strikes.   A longship has the following features:  
  • Size. Gargantuan (70 ft by 20 ft)
  • Decks & Ceilings. A longship has no below deck or cabins. Its Main Deck is treated as Steerage.
  • Light. Hanging lanterns cast bright light over the deck.
  • Rigging. Rigging on the ship can be climbed without an ability check.
  • Rudder. The ship is steered by a rudder control on the afterdeck.
  • Sails. The longship has one 20-foot-tall mast with sails that can be used to sail the ship.
  • Speed. The longship has a swimming speed of 50 ft (6 mph (144 miles per day)).
  • Hull. AC 15, 300 hit points (damage threshold 15).
  • Crew. A longship supports up to 40 crew, and can carry an additional 100 passengers.
  • Cargo. 10 tons.
  • Vehicle Stations. A longship has no vehicle stations.

Sailing Ship (6,000 GP)

Similar in size and structure to warships, sailing ships are fast moving ships built light and focused on travel.   A sailing ship has the following features:  
  • Size. Gargantuan (100 ft x 20 ft)
  • Decks & Ceilings. A sailing ship features a forecastle, aftcastle, a main deck, a lower deck (Steerage), and a hold. The ceilings in the lower decks are each 8 feet high with 6-foot-high doorwards.
  • Doors. The ship’s doors are made of reinforced wood and have AC 16, 20 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage. A lock can be picked with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check made using thieves’ tools, or the door can be forced open with a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check.
  • Footlockers. Footlockers on the ship are iron and have AC 19, 18 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage.
  • Light. Hanging lanterns cast bright light throughout the ship.
  • Rigging. Rigging on the ship can be climbed without an ability check.
  • Sails & Oars. The ship has three 80-foot-tall masts with sails to catch the wind and oars on the lower deck for rowing.
  • Speed. The sailing ship has a swimming speed of 40 ft (5 mph (120 miles per day)).
  • Hull. AC 15, 300 hit points (damage threshold 15).
  • Crew. A sailing ship supports up to 30 crew, and can carry an additional 20 passengers.
  • Cargo. 100 tons.
  • Vehicle Stations. A sailing ship comes standard with a ballista on the forecastle, and a mangonel on the main deck. It supports two additional vehicle stations on the main deck, and four vehicle stations in steerage.

Keelboat (3,000 GP)

One of the smallest sailing vessels, keelboats can be sailed by a single person. These ships often transport small amounts of cargo or passengers. They’re perfect for pleasure cruises, as they’re easier and less expensive to operate than larger vessels.   A keelboat has the following features:  
  • Size. Gargantuan (60 ft by 20 ft)
  • Decks & Ceilings. A keelboat features a small aftcastle, which doubles as a cabin and Steerage. The cabin has an 8 foot ceiling.
  • Doors. The cabin door is made of wood and has an AC of 14, 20 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage. A lock can be picked with a successful DC 12 Dexterity check made using thieves’ tools, or the door can be forced open with a successful DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check.
  • Light. A hanging lantern or two casts bright light across the ship.
  • Rigging. Rigging on the ship can be climbed without an ability check.
  • Sails. The keelboat has one 10-foot-tall mast with sails.
  • Speed. A keelboat has a swimming speed of 25 ft (3 mph (72 miles per day)).
  • Hull. AC 15, 100 hit points (damage threshold 10).
  • Crew. A keelboat can support up to 4 crew, and an additional 4 passengers.
  • Cargo. Half a ton (500 pounds).
  • Vehicle Stations. A keelboat comes standard with a ballista on the forward bow (Main Deck). It has an additional vehicle station on the main deck, and one in steerage.

Rowboat (1,000 GP)

The humble rowboat serves to ferry passengers back and forth from larger ships or to navigate locations larger ships cannot reach. Due to its simple, versatile design, a rowboat has no decks or typical crew. Weighing 100 pounds, a rowboat is easy to transport and might be carried by larger ships.   A Rowboat has the following features:  
  • Size. Large (10 ft by 5 ft)
  • Light. A hanging lantern fixed to the forward bow or stern casts bright light across the ship.
  • Speed. A Rowboat has a swimming speed of 15 ft (1 mph (24 miles per day)).
  • Hull. AC 11, 50 hit points.
  • Crew. A Rowboat can support up to 2 crew, and an additional 2 passengers.
  • Cargo. 250 pounds.
  • Vehicle Stations. A Rowboat has no vehicle stations.


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