
Sylvan accounts for the fey folk, both benevolent and benign. These are creatures forged by the feywilds, shaped from dreams, emotions, and everything in between. They are an ephemeral people, each a reflection of some natural element twisted with phantasmal fancy. While they are most abundant in the material realms, they can often be found in and about the astral realms where the feywilds transition into feyspace.   

Bugbear (DDB)


Centaur (DDB)


Changeling (DDB)


Fairy (DDB)


Firbolg (DDB)


Goblin (DDB)


Hexblood (DDB)


Hobgoblin (DDB)


Luvese (Custom - Wraith)

The luvese are wandering fey sprites whose origins are steeped in just as much mystery and wonder as the courts they hail from. The luvese are often confused for monsters and thri-keen, given their insect-like appearances and psionic traits – it is normal for the luvese to share features with moths, dragonflies, butterflies, beetles, and other similar species found in and around the feywilds. They are a people of secrets and whispers, of occult knowledge and lore, and share the knowledge of stars with those who listen.  
  • Ability Score Increase. Increase your Wisdom score by 2.
  • Age. The Luvese do not believe in concepts such as age, and know nothing of what it means to be born or to die from the passage of time. They simply come into being one day, and vanish another, nothing more than passing fancies in the wild dreams of society.
  • Size. Most Luvese measure between 5 and 6 feet tall, but the hardiest among them rarely weigh any more than 80 pounds. Your size is Medium.
  • Telepathic. A Luvese’s connection to whispered, forgotten things lends them to lives of hushed silence and reverence, preferring instead to communicate with each other through quiet, non-verbal methods. You gain the Telepathic feat. When using your telepathy to communicate with other creatures, you create subtle smells of nature associated with the emotions you are attempting to convey, such as honey for the sense of pleasure, or cinnamon for anger.
  • Darkvision. Most Luvese are nocturnal creatures, living deep in forests, old libraries, and places where dust gathers. Accustomed to twilight, you have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
  • Language. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.

Satyr (DDB)


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