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Colosseum of Vrahlis

The coloseum of Vrahlis is an enormous and world-famous building located on the eastern side of the city of Vrahlis that hosts the city's most prestigious gladitorial fights.

Purpose / Function


The building's main purpose is entertainment. It hosts the extremly popular gladitorial matches. These matches, which in some cases can be fatal, are fought by the city's population of so called "Champions" who are regular participants. These champions can be human or any type of allowed mages. They can fight each other, or wild animals brought from outside of the city to fight against.

Revenue Source

These matches are also a source of revenue, as foreign visitors need to pay to access some sections of the arena. These spots are very popular and it isn't rare for richer folks in the city to sell their to try and outbid the other to gain access to these seats, event if it is technicaly not allowed.


Exterior Design

The coloseum stands at a height of around 60 metres and is about 220 metres wide. While it may look like it, the building isn't perfectly round, but very slightly oval. Its exterior facade is lined with a series of stone arches, superposed on top of each other into 5 levels. These arches are complemented by copper, bronze, silver and Gold on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th levels, while the first level remains barren, or hidden by surrounding buildings.

Interior design

The seating inside is divided into sections. The prince of Vrahlis and the nobles of the city have access to the bottow row, which had the best view. These seats, the floor and the stairs in that section are made of marble bricks. The rest of the seats are made of regular stone, while the top row of seats, furtest away from the fighting pit. Large coloured cloths are draped between long wooden polls nailed at the top of the structure in order to provide shade to the spectator bellow.


A large basement was built under the building. Wild exotic animals that are imported from faraway places are stored in cages there before they are used in future fights. A system is used to pull the cages up and through the floor of the pit before and during a match.


People from all over the Kavasian Empire, where the City of Vrahlis is located. Tourists from the rest of Arros and as far away as Enaskia and Samaria comes to the city, and either spectate the matches or travel to participate in them.
Parent Location


The building was commisioned by prince Herios IV, in the year 1224 Bc. He wanted a new place for the large mage population of the city to be able to show their talents, while also provinding entertainment for the city's ctizenry. The mage guilds of the city had also pressured him and his predecessor to do exactly that. It was built just outside of the city's densest neighbourhoods, but still inside it's walls.   It was finished in the year 1213 BC. A three day festival was held in the city in celebration of the completion of the building, with the prince of the city, Herios IV, gave a speech and spectated the inogural gladitorial matches, where the first ever what would later be called Champions, battled each other. In the following years, the tournament tradition was settled. A 4 week tourney between the best mages of the city and even foreign mages to see who would be the new "King of Champions"   One notable participant of the tournament was the future Prince Deros III, who was a Windmage and who won three times in 7 years, from the year 896 to 889. He won his first match when he was just 19 years old.
During the Blood-Pox plague, which it the city in the year 585, in the height of the pandemic, the coloseum was used as a quarantine area for the city were infected were thrown and isolated from the rest of the city.


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