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Good Sisters

The good sisters are a branch of the second largest Solianism denomination, the Temple of Vrahlis, which serves as a charitable organisation. Their goal is to aleviate suffering in the world in the name of Saol.


The good sisters are an organisation with a presence in most large cities of southern and central Arros as well as in southern Enaskia and northern Samaria. In those cities, they run various charities, including soup kitchens, orphanages and hospitals. They also, when called upon, assist with the burial of fallen soldiers on battlefields.   Each good sister wears a banner behind their head, which hangs behind and over their head. It is suspended by a pair of poles attached to their back. Two versions of the banner exists, and their wearers depend on their vocation.
This white and yellow banner is the most common of the two. It can be seen flying over their orphanages and hospitals. It is also the official banner of the organisation as a whole.  
Unlike the white and yellow banner, the grey and white banner is not seen often. It is worn by Good sisters giving fallen soldiers their final services.


The organisation is strictly religious, and receives its funding from the local Temples, who in turns are funded by donations and offerings by the faithfuls. The vast majority of the members are women, and that has been the case since its founding. However, a small number of man also work there. The men are called "Good Brothers".

Public Agenda

Their goal is to aleviate suffering in the world as much as they can. They help homeless and orphaned children, poor or sick adults and even the soldiers who have fallen inton battle.


Many orphanages and hospitals belong to the good sisters. They have a headquarters in most large cities in regions were Solianism is the majority religion. They are also present in various smaller towns, yet aren't headquartered there. Sisters from larger city visit and work in local hospitals, clinics and orphanages. They also travel to various battlefields to bury the dead.
Founding Date
1287 Bc
Religious, Other
Parent Organization


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