BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Inspo-August Challenge Article

Oh? Whats this? A chance for me to info-dump all of my 6 years worth of world-buidling inspiration as well as my favorite aspects of my own world onto an innocent and unexpecting reader? Don't mind if i do!   Ok, so maybe not ALL of the info. Some of it isn't ready to be shared with all of you yet, since the resulting articles haven't come out, or they must stay secret for... eh, spoiler related reasons, and some sources of inspirations i have yet to to be discovered! BUT, i'll do my best to answer all three questions to the best of my abilities.

1. What is the main thing or one of the main things that inspired your world?

Above all else, the world of ASOIAF/GoT by GRRM was the biggest innitial inspiration for this world. Ok, so first things first. I am a huge geopraphy nerd. i LOVE maps and so, when i started watching GoT a few months before its 8th season and loved the show and how diverse the locations and cultures where and i wanted to see were everything was.   I found a map and was immediatly super inspired to try and do my own large scale fantasy world. I had already been drawing random maps of real or made up places since i was super young, so this wasn't knew, but it was the first time that i took it semi-seriously. And so, the first versions of what would become Hysal were drawn about 6 years ago now.   Since then, Hysal's geography changed A LOT. In fact, everything outside of the region around the Arrosian sea basicaly completly changed numerous times, and the only countries that remain from that time are Gysia and Darnia. So, while ASOIAF/GoT might have been the innitial inspiration, its really just its own thing thats heavely inspired by the geography of earth.   Fun fact, some of the oldest names in Hysal are directly stolen inspired by names GRRM gave various locations in Westeros and Essos. Gys's name comes from the ruins of Old Ghis, in Essos. The Royn river's name comes from the Royne River in Essos as well. Lylos's name comes from Lys, a Free city in southern Essos. I once though about changing them, but by that point, they had become their own thing in my head and it would've felt weird, so they stayed. (I should probably still change them idk)   Hysal's world history is heavely inspired by real world history, but since the real world doesn't have magic(Very sad), its nice to have fantastical examples of what other authors have done with it. The lore/History of The Continent, from the Witcher's universe, particulary the northern kingdoms regions, and of the continent of Thedas from the Dragon Age universe are great sources of inspiration. Both of these worlds also have very nice and detailed maps, which is a nice bonus.

2. What is your favorite aspect of your story/world, and what inspired that aspect?

The Story: The Protags

I love my three protagonists, Calydan, Omaren and Melwyn. Apparently, this is normal for authors? Anyways, they each have a bunch of sources of inspiration, and i made sure when creating them that they are each unique and that they each have a interesting backstory that also isn't too clichee. We'll see how i did once the story begins coming out. The three of them were created after the world of Hysal was already a couple years old, as i didn't originaly made it as a story setting.   This changed during the covid lockdowns. In fact, if it weren't for covid, i probably would have abandoned this world by now. However, because of the lockdowns, i had a lot of free time to rewatch some of my favorite shows, but i eventualy ran out and started looking for more stuff, like cartoons i hadn't watched before, and started watching anime for the first time. Cartoons like Avatar, the last airbender, Wakfu, Dragon prince and Radiant, but also animes like Demon slayer, Scissor Seven and Blue Exorsist have all inspired some aspects of the story, but of all of these, i would say that Avatar and Dragon Prince are the two biggest cartoon inspirations.   The politics of ASOIAF also influenced some things, but are much different in Hysal. The protagonist aren't battling for a throne to rule seven kingdoms, but instead they are going against various groups and people with different interests that are trying to control and use them to further their objectives, while the MCs are trying to follow their own paths. Basicaly, in Westeros, most people are trying to control the web of intrigue, while the protagonists here are trying to leave it, to cut themselves from it.

The World: Geography

As you can probably guess, my favorite aspect from this world is its diversity. I love diversity, whether it involves humans and their cultures, languages or what they believe in, but also the diversity of the places they live, the climate, the food that available, the animals or monsters they can use or have to defend themselves against, and the rest.   With that knowledge, i worked on Hysal for year, weeks at a time to try to craft a world i was (Largely) satisfied with. And i think, at last, that i've done it. I am pretty satisfied with how it is now and were its going. I might even be a little proud of myself. :) (The community's love and support helped a lot with that <3)   As for what inspired it, well appart from bits of various fantasy maps, it really was just real life. Google maps, atlas books, national geographic, and many MANY history videos on youtube. I know, giant nerd activities. (Kings and generals/Wizards and warriors, Emperor Tigerstar, and Historia Civilis on youtube have tons of awesome history and geography/historical Geopolitics videos)

The World: Magic

I really like the magic system, even if i have to resists the voice in my head telling me that it's too complicated or that it's not "logical" enough, like yeah, its magic, what did you expect, brain? A physics equation about mana? Tengent aside, i especialy love the "soulbound" side of the magic system. I feel that the elemental magic side is nice, but a bit generic and constrictive, while the Soulbound magic side of the system is more flexible by nature, which allows me to be a bit more creative with the powers/Abilities i can include.   For the record, i still have yet to complete it and to be honest, i don't even think i'm half-way there yet, which is both exciting in a way, but also a bit overwelming (Who knew crafting a magic system with 15 different types of mages across two entirely different, but related systems, across three separate, but connected dimensions/realm would be complicated? Not me, apparently)   It was definetly inspired by animated media. Not so much anime, since the ones i watched don't really feature really the same type of magic as what's in Hysal, but some western cartoons, like Avatar: The last airbender or Wakfu, were important inspiration sources.

3. What are some writers/worldbuilders that inspire you to write/worldbuild?


Well, i think you could've guessed that George RR Martin would be an inspiration, and if you did, you'd be right! I fell in love with his world and writting more than half a decade ago, and yet, i still watch lore videos about ASOIAF to this day. It's just so fascinating to me how intricate his worldbuilding is, and even with the few oddities here and there, i really think its one of the best fantasy world out there.


There's a lot of people that i follow on here that have amazing worlds/universes, and they're a constant source of mot only motivation. I'll shout out a few here that stand out to me.
Yonderverse (by Mochimanoban)
The Calinan Sea (by Callixus)
Oniran (by Jontaro)
Vasara (by World Smithy)
Cathedris (by Stormbril)
Aran'sha (by Tyrdal)


Music! I love music a lot and i usualy listen to some when i write. My favorite genre is EDM, specificaly House, Phonk and Drum and bass. NoCopyrightsongs, Liquicity and MrSuicidesheep are my favorite channels for EDM. I also like instrumental/Classical stype pieces, like Two Steps From Hell and i like the Minecraft OST a lot so i listen to it too. Basicaly, i like any song that can sooth my ADHD, and EDM is great for that.
Here's a list of my favorite songs to listen to while writing, in no particular order.
Arkasia - Pandemonium
Teminite - Are you Ready
Ahxelo - Light Speed
Creo - Crystallize
Pendulum - Hold your Colours
Feint - Time Bomb
Arkana - Telekinesis
Frame Away - Lose Heart
Kevin Macleod - The Complex

Two steps from Hell - Immortal
Two Steps from Hell - Archangel
Two steps from hell - To glory
Two steps from hell - For the win
Two steps from hell - Black heart

C418 - Taswell
C418 - Dreiton
Lena Rain - Rubedo

This article was writen for this challenge:

Generic article | Aug 4, 2024


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Aug 28, 2024 13:17 by Jacqueline Yang

Whew! You weren't kidding about it being rambling. Just kidding.   In all seriousness I love the dedication and passion you have to this world! I also love that the majority of it is kind of inspired by the real world, not just fantasy books/movies/TV shows, which is a good reminder that the real world has some fascinating aspects that we can sometimes forget about.   But also MAPS ARE AMAZING! I absolutely love them too. I don't create a lot of maps personally, because I'm not that good at it, but maps in books are the best things ever.   I wish you the best of luck on your magic system though. That sounds like a lot of work, but take it one piece at a time, and you'll get there!

Aug 28, 2024 23:46 by Ephraïm Boateng

Ahh, thank you so much for the magic system encouragement! And i agree, maps in books and maps in general are AWESOME!

Aug 28, 2024 19:00 by Mochi

aaaaaa I'm honoured to be inspiring! <33

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Aug 29, 2024 00:21 by Ephraïm Boateng

Your world is really fantastic!<3

Aug 28, 2024 20:09 by Jon

YOOOOOO THAT'S ME :0   I'm glad to be an inspiration to you! If I may I'd like to give a media recommendation after reading what inspires you and your goals, I think the anime Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood would be a valuable watch if you haven't already. It's 64 episodes that are heavily centered around political conflict, themes of Science vs Religion and the value of a person's soul, and an AMAZINGLY crafted hard magic system that almost always comes up as an example when people talk about writing magic. The worldbuilding is fantastic and the story itself is widely considered one of the FINEST in anime, and personally I would go as far as to say one of the finest stories in *general*.   I know I'm REALLY gassing this up but my world/story absolutely wouldn't exist the way it does now without it so I think I'm justified in glazing it vhfbvdhjbv. That's all, I'm wishing you luck on your future worldbuilding endeavors! Have a good one!!!

While I would love to go on an adventure, writing them is enough for me.
Aug 29, 2024 00:17 by Ephraïm Boateng

ITS YOU! Yeah, your writing and artwork are both awesome! And thanks for the recommend! I've actually heard some those praises before regarding Fullmetal Alchemist before and its been on my "I should watch this one day" list for a bit now. I did not know it was *only* 64 episodes. That's a good thing for me, since i can rarely commit to a show for 100s of episode. Your gassing up worked cuz i kind of REALLY wanna watch it now lol.   Thanks for the good luck wishes and good luck on your works to you too!

Aug 29, 2024 17:43 by J. J.

Aye, map gang! I'm honestly floored, being up there next to names like that makes me sweat a little. It's genuinely humbling to know that others find my stuff not only interesting or entertaining, but *inspiring*. Truly honored, I'm glad you enjoy it! If I may ask, as I'm deathly curious, what is it that you find inspiring about Vasara?

May the Fadelight illuminate your travels, friend.
Aug 29, 2024 23:10 by Ephraïm Boateng

Map gang! *Fist bump*   Ok, so first of all, its the entire vibe of your world that i like. I love dark fantasy, and Vasara more than delivers in dark themes/Vibes. I've been trying to take a darker turn in Hysal and i think Vasara offer a very inspiring glimpse into some aspects that i could DARKEN if you will.   BUT, i especially like the articles revolving around "The gloom". I have something similar i had been planning for some time, and i had already written parts of it last year, but wasn't super satisfied with it. This article: Gloom and its spawn‌ was greatly inspiring and gave me many ideas as to how to handle a similar phenomena within Hysal. It's not as important as the gloom appears to be for Vasara, but its still a central aspect of Hysal, so i want to do it right.   The short stories you write are very good and they, as well as others, have inspired me to write my own scenes and chapters. I don't know if my response was satisfactory, but i hope so. These are the main things that put you and your world on the inspiration list.

Aug 30, 2024 03:08 by J. J.

Oh, wow! Yeah, that's a lot more than I expected—thank you! I genuinely don't even know how to properly respond to such praises, so I hope the above cuts it. Once I've got time (college is fun), I'll be sure to send some attention back your way. Have fun building out your projects—much love ♥

May the Fadelight illuminate your travels, friend.
Aug 31, 2024 00:13 by Ephraïm Boateng

I hope you like what i've been writing when you do check it out, and much love to you too!