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The Gold Jaguar of Noamarù

Overlooking the large capital city of the Ak'aaran Confederation is a large pyramid-shaped temple, on top of which is located a large statue, that if the locals are to be believed, is made entirely of solid gold. This large statue depicts the Ak'aaran god of war, Xahkum as a roaring Jaguar.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

A powerful roar could be hear from the Jaguar statue when the city-state declares war. It also emits a roar after the end of a victorious battle or at the end of a war. A tube is located inside the statue that amplifies the roar of a Jaguar Shapeshifter. This person is always the commander of Xahkum's Legion.


The origins of the statue are lost to time, but a popular myth in the city, which may or may not hold some truth to it, tells the story of the first king of Noamarù, who faced an invasion from rival cities. He appealed to Xahkum, the Ak'aaran god of war, for his aid, but he did not answer.   The king figured out that for Xahkum to answer, he had to show him his dedication. To this end, he ordered all the gold in the city to be melted down. Coins, jewlery, even small idols of other, lesser gods. They were all melted down and forged by the local Metalmages into a Jaguar statue, which the citizens began praying to.   When the armies of the rival cities approched the city, they attempted to cross the Golcaï River, but the river's waters suddently swelled and grew violent, drowning half of the enemy's army. The other half made it across and even to the city's walls. However, it was then that the men of the city became possessed by a fury and stormed out of the city's gates to meet their foe.   Despite being outnumbered 10-1, the city's men cut down the enemy soldiers, chanting glory to Xahkum. Seeing the day lost, the enemy atempted to retreat but were suddently set upon and killed by a large pack of Jaguars. Some say these were wild Jaguars, but others point out that Jaguars usualy do not hunt in packs, and that they may have been Shapeshifters instead.   Unfortunatly, the myth is so old that few records of it survive to this day, so details have been lost. What is known is that soon after that battle, the city of Noamarù accepted Xahkum, the god of war, as their patron god. The large statue was then placed on top of the largest temple of the city, which then became a temple dedicated to Xahkum.


The statue has become a prominent symbol of Noamarù. So much so that the city is know as the "City of the Jaguars", a refence to both the large statue that overlooks it, and Xahkum's Legion, which protects the city. More importantly for its residents, the statue depicts the city's patron god, and being the most powerful of the Ak'aaran city states has allowed the city to become the capital of the Confederation. Its numerous miitiristic prowess are of course atributed to Xahkum.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
Creation Date
Around the year 1200 Bc
Around 7 meters long and 2,5 meters tall
Raw materials & Components
The statue is made of solid gold and set upon a brass and stone pedestal, itself located at the top of a large pyramid-like temple, made of big heavy stone blocks.


Xaakum, the god of war, is a central god in the Ak'aaran pantheon. It is closely assossiated with other gods in the pantheon, such as Tehatlu, Goddess of the Golcaï River and Ximal, god of the underworld. He is always represented by a Jaguar, usualy roaring, and depicting on paintings, embroderies and statues.


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