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The Wall Watchers

The wall watchers are a military order who's responcible for the maintenance and surveillance of the large wall along the border of the Ruins of Carathenga, in southern Arros.


The order is separated into multiple divisions, who each have different roles to fill. In total, three divisions make up the Order, each of them separated into a variable number of teams.

The Watchers

The first, oldest and largest group is called the Watchers. These knights serve as guards along the wall and gates. They are equiped crossbows, short swords, lance and protected with light bronze armour. The watchers are made up of all types of mages and many humans as well.

The Builders

The next largest group is called the Builders. This group is composed of Stonemage and Ferromage. Their job is to maintain the wall and its forts, making sure that the structure remains resilient in case of attacks. They can play a defensive role in combat to help the watchers.

The Runners

The third group is called the Runners. This group, which is the smallest and youngest of the three, is an expeditionary team, tasked with accompagnying non-combatants who, for various reasons, need to enter the peninsula. Their services are much less needed nowdays compared to 3 centuries ago, and their numbers are now only a few dozens. Their group contains mages of both types, but mainly Soulmages, since they are partialy immune to the The Blight, making them great assets for those expedition. Fire and light mages also participate since they can burn the blight.

Public Agenda

Their goal is to protect the continent from the infection of The Blight, contained on the eastern side of the wall, burn any blight that comes too close to the wall, and kill any Blight Spawns that come too close, although they have become increasingly rare.


The organisation possesses the wall, along with the numerous forts and castles that were built along it. It also has a few guildhalls in the nearby big cities, such as in Vrahlis, Corohn and in Naldah, where their headquarters is located. The wall is about 15m thick, with remparts built in a way to prevent anything from successfuly climbing to the top of it. Their largest castle, Castle Deqqen, named in honour of Eremir the Great's friend. It is located a few km south of the city of Naldah. It is a massive fortified castle which also contains a large courtyard and an imposing gatehouse. This gatehouse is also featured on the order's official crest. The castle was built along the original path going from naldah to the City of Carathenga and its southern gates is the only official entry point to the peninsula along the entire lenght of the wall. The order also has a small fleet of Winged ships, which they use for both reconnaisance and aerial bombardement using Milkfire bombs.


The order was founded in 14 bc, 1 month after the wall was completed. It contained a lot of veterans from previous battles against the Blight Spawns and the mages and humans that helped built the wall to contain them to the peninsula. They came from many countries all over the continent. Between the year 14bc and 2 bc, numerous forts and castles, including Castle Deqqen, were added along its lenght, to help with the defense of the structure and to hosue the Order's men.   In the following 2 centuries, the wall watchers would man the wall, venture inside the peninsula for various reasons, such as culling a spawn horde, escort people or retreive important objects from the ruined locations in the region.   However, in the last century or so, the Order's man-power has been gradualy diminishing as the threat of The Blight and its spawns seems to have diminished greatly in the past few decades. Today, the organisation is still widely respected, but they do not have the power they once had. Even the great wall they watch over has fallen into a less than stellar state in some area.

Keeping Watch

Founding Date
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
The Watch / The Watchers
Character flag image: by Ephraïm Boateng (Me)


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