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Birthing Stones

These stones were very common before the Great Purge and were often used by Werewolf Sorceress and midwives throughout the pregnancy and birth of a child. Many scholars believe that these stones could theoretically be used by a werewolf lay person and should be investigated as the improved infant and maternal outcomes associated with their use are considerable. There is no written documentation of their use currently known and there are very few practitioners left in the world to explain their use. It is suspected there are more midwives who use these stones than are counted officially as there seems to be some surviving understanding of their use, but researchers have not been able to separate the faceted stones out from other superstitious folk beliefs.   There is only one instance of these stones being painted or drawn, in an illuminated manuscript found in a cache of medically associated documents from the 17th century. It is believed the drawing depicts Cera during her pregnancy with her son Lewen White-Davies. The ten stones are arranged about her body, the forehead, throat, both breasts, the belly button, both hips, the groin, and the thighs. The stones in the image seem to be glowing. She is depicted fully dressed in the image and the majority of the people who claim to have used these stones successfully have all said that the stones need to be in contact with the skin in order to work.   All of the samples of these stones recovered have been incomplete and seem to be magically inert, and the materials not associated with Luna's magics in any way. The practitioners who have been interviewed have refused to show the stones to interviewers, guarding them very jealously and have insisted that the stones themselves are not magical, but that their understanding is that the way in which the stones were cut is one of the secrets to their healing powers. The samples recovered do have a series of different shapes, but every attempt to recreate them seem to have no special qualities and, when shown to these midwives, were immediately spotted as inauthentic.    The mystery of these stones continues to baffle historians and there are many who have given up, seeking further assistance from modern medicine rather than their own people's lore and mythology. It's entirely possible that once these current practitioners die off or if any mishap should occur to their current complete sets, the secrets will be lost forever.    It is hoped that this is one of the many secrets contained in Cera's Grimoires,

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Aug 7, 2020 04:04 by Morgan Biscup

Childbirth is tough! They need to figure these out.   On a less personal note, lovely bit of worldbuilding, not a topic that is discussed often and I absolutely love to see it here.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.