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Jentmil Sanconth

Every miner has heard tale of the Jentmil Sanconth. These beast are said to live deep underground in the underwaste. I remember the tale of one team that dug to deep and was met with glowing eyes and sharp teeth. By the time anyone was sent to check what caused the team to not come up when their shift was done, they only found bloody clothes and tools.   So be wary when you dig to deep. For behind the rock wall could be a pack of beast ready to devour.
  • An Old Miner
  •   Jentmil Sanconth or Under Wolf is a canine like creature that lives in the underwaste. These creatures have evolved to live in the darkness of the caverns using as little light to navigate. Thanks to their exposure to the zidian roots, have evolved these creatures to survive off meat and some plants. While they mostly thrive off meat they can survive some time off plants if they can't get access to meat source.   The Jentmil Sanconths are rather dangerous as they are capable of tracking prey through their essence which leaves very little places for their prey to hide from them. Dangerous in packs they tends to be cowardly when alone. They also will stay away from creatures with extremely high levels of essence as they can sense the danger these creatures may be to them.

    Basic Information


    They are canine like creatures that can range from very thin to very muscular. Quadruped creatures who have razor sharp teeth and claws. They are capable of crushing bone with just a few bites. Though it is said that the bigger they are the more force they have in their bite. The Biggest recorded snapped a man's arm off in one bite.
    Conservation Status
    No as they are seen as highly dangerous. Also no one truly knows how many of these creatures live in the underwaste.

    Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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