Sharon Ladia Character in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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Sharon Ladia

Ms. Sharon Ladia

She is a beautiful woman who has a strong will and penchant for money. Don't cross her or you will end up in debt. Though you could always end up at the end of the barrel of her shotgun.- Ace Cardia
  Sharon is the proud owner of Ladia's Rest and has called the town her grandfather founded home. She was a tomboy in youth and is still rather rough around the edges. She has taken over control of the Saloon after her mother passed away and has taken good care of it. Recently she has started taking care of an old hunter who needed her help. Sadly he couldn't pay what was owed and has been mooching off her hospitality.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sharon has lived most of her life in the town of Ladia. Though like all young people she dreamed of the big city and even headed off to run her own saloon there. Though when she heard her father was sick she returned home to run the family business. She still has a few ties in Debara that she uses to get some of the goods for her saloon.


Social Aptitude

She is very charismatic and confident in her work. She does all that she can to be nice when necessary to her customers, but can be hostile to deadbeats.

Wealth & Financial state

She owns the Ladia's Rest and has a nice nest egg stashed away. She also has access to her family's inheritance and has control of a few acres of land. Some even believe she has a few investments back in Debara from her late father.
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
She was born to happy parents who were happy to meet her.
Brown long hair.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
160 lb
Ruled Locations

Cover image: Sharon Ladia's Title Image by Michael Blue
Character Portrait image: Sharon Face Render by Michael Blue


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